Harry (for Alyssa)

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  • Dedicated to @myheroHazza_

"Good morning gorgeous" a husky voice says to your right before the lips they came from caress your cheek. You smile as you awaken feeling completely happy and whole. Last night was amazing, you honestly think that was the most perfect night of your life because last night was the first time you had spent the night with Harry. It was everything you hoped it would be and more. Smiling you turn to face him. "Good morning baby" you say before you press your lips against Harry's. His response is instantaneous as he pushes you closer to him, his hands wrapping around your waist as the kiss deepens. You don't want to stop but you know your roommate will be home any minute now and you couldn't have her walking in so you pull away. Shauna didn't understand personal space and when she gets back from her weekend away you know she would just barge straight into your bedroom.

You pull away, "Harry, Shauna will be home any minute we can't have her walking in on a repeat of last night"

Groaning he leans back on his elbow, his green eyes piercing yours, "Shauna ruins everything, I'd love to have an repeat performance of last night" he says winking. His words cause a light pink tinge to colour your cheeks that you don't want him to see so you ease yourself off the bed and head towards the bathroom. 

Turning on the shower you begin to think about you and Harry. You had been seeing each other for about 2 months now and you knew you loved him but you couldn't bring yourself to tell him, you wanted him to be the one to say it first, you couldn't bare it if you told him you loved him and he couldn't say it back. But after last night you were sure Harry knew you loved him, you wouldn't have slept together if you didn't love him and this made you nervous. Harry might not feel the same..

You try not to think about this as you turn off the shower and leave the bathroom. You make your way back to the bedroom but hear Harry talking but you can't hear another voice so you assume he is on the phone. Carefully you open the door to the bedroom and tip toe in so not to disturb Harry.

He was on the phone, so you grab your outfit and attempt to get dressed without disturbing Harry until something you hear causes a shocked gasp escape your throat. Harry turns his head and his eyes widen as he sees you there, "I have to call you back Niall" he speaks into the phone before he walks over to you and grabs both your hands in his. 

"I know this is not how you wanted me to tell you and I know you would have loved if I had said it last night and I was going to be I chickened out and I couldn't do it. But I do Alyssa, I love you, I love you so much baby. I-I'm sorry you heard it for the first time when I was on the phone to Niall but--" 

You silenced him with a kiss, not letting him finish because you've heard everything you needed to hear, Harry loved you he really loved you. Your hands wrap their way around his neck as his snake through your wavy hair, the kiss was intense but sweet and completely filled with longing. You could have gone on kissing him for hours yet but you had to tell him you loved him back. You broke away pressing your forehead against his, you cup his face in your hands as you look into his stunning emerald eyes as you say "I love you too Harry" his face breaks into a smile as he picks you up and spins you round causing you to giggle. 

This was the happiest you had ever felt and it was because you were with Harry and he loved you. He, Harry Styles, was in love with you Alyssa Taylor! Right now your life was perfect..

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