They need us

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'Texas, we need your help. Rebecca and Gwen have taken over, and turned this place more mental then it was before. It was difficult getting this email to you, Gwen had taken all our electrical items. I managed to keep my old blackberry, Alec, Jane, Felix and Demetri will meet you tomorrow. At the little cottage over the hill. Please help.

your's faithfully, Caius lad innit bruv. 

Ps. Did I say that right? I have been trying to keep up with the 'slang'.' 

I chuckled softly at the end then realised what he had said. 

"Guys, this is really, really bad." I exclaim. Oh for fuck sake. Why? Out of all the humans Dodger chose that bitch?! I sense a great battle coming and there won't be many survivors. 

"They need our help, no matter how much we may hate them, Aro took me in at a time of need, as they did Texas." Carlisle explained rubbing his face. 

"Can't things just go back to how they used to be!" Rosalie exclaimed, "when we could sit down and not worry about two nutcases taking over the vampire world and killing every last human?!" 

"Oh Rose," Esme starts, 

"No," Rosalie interrupted. "Don't you miss how easy our life was just over a year and a half ago! We would go to school, like usual, then go home, hunt, and the same routine," she rages. Not stopping. "Before Edward met Bella, before all this feckin' shit happened!" 

"Rose." Emmett tried, but Carlisle stopped him.

"Let her, this has been bottled in for a long time." Carlisle says, allowing Rose her rant. 

"Think about it!" She growls, "We could of saved ourselves a hell of a lot of shit! And still just be us, our little family, of 7. Then Texas came! And she has helped, she knows the Volturi and she helped us out of a lot of shit we had, but now her dumbass ex's new toy is threatening to ruin everything that- I can't believe I'm saying this-but everything that Aro has created!" She finished.

"I have to agree," Carlisle started, "Without the Volturi and Aro being as strict as they are, our existence would be discovered and all hell would break loose." 

"That is what I tell every fucking body!" I say, "They're good people I hate it when people judge them because of something's they do! They need to! It's like the police! They reinforce the law and people don't hate them for it. I mean yeah the Volturi suck the blood out of people and the police don't, but they still reinforce the law like the police do! So please, cut them slack!" I reply, calming down a bit. "But it's too late now. The whole fucking Volturi is messing up! Rebecca already manipulated Aro, who knows who she is going to manipulate next, So please help them." I beg. 

"We have to hear them out, before we make a decision, they could be tricking us to get Alice and Edward." Jasper growled. 

"They wouldn't do that!" I cry. "I know them and they wouldn't." 

"Oh really? Because in the vision of the big battle  they didn't hesitate to kill the only family member you have left!" Alice snapped. Jasper's head jumped up.

"They killed me and you're still friends with them! Well, I guess we see where your true loyalties lie." Jasper growls. 

"I killed them straight after! I fucking murdered them!" I say. "Am I just as bad as them because I didn't even hesitate in killing my best friends? My family!" I get even more angry now.  

"Yes. Your just as bad. Maybe even worse. The worst monster of them all." He growls, then looks regretful. Ouch. My own brother.

"Fuck it! Fuck it all! If you think I'm as bad as them. A monster. I will be a monster." I shout making my way towards the door. 

"Where are you going?" Esme asks.

"Well since I'm as bad as the rest and a monster, I'm going to get some fucking proper blood. Some poor stupid humans." I growl slamming the door and running through the forest to the closest human  blood I could smell. 


Sorry it's short! Typed it up on my iPhone! 

What do you all think of that plot twist?? 

Sorry for the long wait! Like I am a big bitch!

I forgot I was writing it on Wattpad too! And just kept updating to on Quotev.

Tell me what you think! Don't be a silent or ghost reader;-)

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