I've taught you well.

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I did drain a human. I felt like a real vampire, and fuck me that blood was good. After draining 2 I felt extremely guilty and actually realised what I had done.  

"Oh for fudge sake."  I curse my self. 

"Wow, never thought I'd see the day when Texas Liberty Whitlock Volturi drains a human." A voice said from behind. I stiffened and turned.

"Dodger," I say with a tight smile, he was leaning against a wall in darkness. Wearing the typical Volturi cloak, his was a dark grey, not quite black, as he wasn't as important as some others. Haha sucker.

"What are you doing here?" He asks, 

"I could question that as well, I mean, shouldn't you be fucking up the vampire world with your new slut?" I question innocently. 

He scoffed, "Is that jealously I hear in your voice?" 

"Oh Dodger don't flatter yourself. Why would I be jealous when I am perfectly happy with Demetri?" I reply, calm. 

"Well Demetri must not be perfectly happy with you as before I left I saw him kissing Gwen? And no, she wasn't kissing him. He was kissing her. Also Gwen being the pathetic little slut she is kissed him back." Dodger speaks coolly. What? 

"What? He didn't," I reply. 

"Oh but he did, dear Texas, he did indeed," Dodger says slowly, walking pass me, nudging me as he does.  I stumble back and just stand there in shock as he runs off into the night. 

"ARGHHHHH" I scream in annoyance. In anger I threw the dead body against the wall with so much force you could hear the bones breaking. But honestly I couldn't give a shit at the moment. I'm not going back to the Cullen's, so I may as well just wait at the little cottage.

9 hours later the door to the run down cottage opened, in stepped 3 figures, Jane, Alec and Felix. No Demetri.

Jane was sporting a large jumper along with black leggings and my converse. While Alec chose chino's with a hoody and a SnapBack. Alon with Nike Blazers. 

"Alec, you look mighty fine," I wink, 

"Oh Texas, you cheeky thing, you," he chuckles. 

"What about me?" Felix pouts, I look him over and he does look rather dashing, in a simple white t-shirt which clings to his large chiseled chest, along with denim jeans and some Puma Suedes. 

"Yes, you too. You guys took your time, I have been waiting here for 9hrs, I have read the whole of 'Wicked' three times." I chuckle, shaking my head slightly. 

"I am so pissed." Jane screams. Oh fuck. She's angry, I guess we all know how this is going to end. 

"Why?" I ask,

"Because of every fucking thing!! Rebecca and Dodger, but more importantly Gwen!"she exclaims.

"Yeah, Dodger told me about Demetri and her," I say choking back a sob. 

"Oh Tex darling, I'm so sorry," Alec says wrapping me in a hug, he plants a gentle kiss on my forehead.  

"I always thought he was a dick, Dickhead Demetri that's what I used to call him," Felix said. I scoff/chuckled.

"Don't lie, you two are the terrible two, always together." I sigh. 

"Yeah, maybe we are," he sighs to. 

"Has it not occurred to any of you that Rebecca could of manipulated him?!" Jane says.

"Fuck! I forgot about that," I reply in annoyance. Felix was just about to say something when my ringtone interrupted him.

'You're on a different road, I'm in the Milky Way

You want me down on earth, but I am up in space

You're so damn hard to please, we gotta kill this switch

You're from the 70's, but I'm a 90's bitch'

"I don't care, I love it," Jane sang along. I checked the caller ID. 

'Jasper, best brother ever' 

Hitting the decline button, a pang hit my non beating heart. 

"You just declined your brother? You never do that. What's up?" Alec questioned.

"I am not going back to the Cullen's. They are all selfish! They don't care about how I maybe feel about this whole situation! I could lose my fucking family, but oh no, all they care about is your bad side, the evil murdering sadistic side!" I explain.

"Well our sadistic side, is our best side," Jane tries, attempting to lighten the mood. 

I laugh softly and sigh, as I start to explain what happened. 

"He said what?!" Jane screeched, 

"That I'm just as bad as you guys," I sigh, "I've done something really bad." 

"It can't be that bad, I mean it's not like you broke your animal diet." Felix reassures, I look up through my lashes with a guilty look on my face. 

"You did drain a human," Alec gaped. 

"No," I whisper, "I drained two, then threw the body to the side and broke all the bones because I was annoyed." I groan.

"What the? I never expected that from you Texas!" Jane gasped, 

"Yes I know, I'm a terrible person and a monster." I reply.

"No."Alec disagrees, "you're a true vampire"

"I don't have anywhere to go, since that fucking bitch who looks like deformed bollocks, told Aro to kick me out." I sigh, 

"Speaking of her, we have come to discuss our mission?" Felix says, 

"I say we run in there and torture the bitch." Jane smirks, 

"Yeah, I completely agree with Jane. We should fucking torture her, slowly and painfully then, don't kill her, that's to kind, keep her in the dungeon, and if we have newborns they can train with her, and every Friday we can torture her," I grin sadistically, Alec smirks and hugs me.

"We've taught you well," he whispers proud. 

"So, What's the plan?" Felix smirks.

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