4) Frightened

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•Chapter 4•

The instructor dismissed us from the room. I was still in disbelief of what I had just figured out.

Harry walked out before me, and the dark haired girl came up to me. "You know Styles?" She said in disbelief.

"Ya, I guess I do. I didn't know that was his last name." I said still in disbelief.

"Well ok. Hey are you doing anything tonight?"

"Not that I know of."

"Good," she said taking my phone and entering her digits. "I know a friend playing tonight at this restaurant. Give me a call if you're in."

"Oh by the way, I'm Chloe." She added.

"Jenna," I said.

Chloe smiled and walked out of the room, and I followed her out.

I took two steps down the hall, where a cleaning supply closet door was opened a crack. And next thing I knew a hand grabbed my wrist, pulling me into the closet.

The light was out, and all I heard was a deep voice, "You have a date tonight?" I felt around the wall for a switch. Bam, I found it! "Harry? You were eavesdropping?" I said. "No just listening," he said with confidence. "And uh Chloe; how can I put this, she likes the ladies." He added.

"Oh," I said a little shocked.

I tried to open the door, but Harry forced it closed.

"I have to go," I said.

"Matt said he's taking you home, because he's picking up your sister once he's dropped you off. So you're with me Jen." He took my hand. I pinched his hand so he'd let go of mine.

He let go and walked me to Matt's car.

I didn't talk the whole way to my house. I got out and so did Matt to get Jessica when we arrived. I grabbed a snack and went up to my room, turned on some music, and got onto my laptop and took a look a tumblr. Seconds later I got a call from Jess. "Is Harry there?" She asked. "he just randomly got out of the car, and Matt thinks he's headed there." I took a look around, "Nope not here," I said.

As soon as I said that Jess let out a sigh and hung up.

"Nice song," Harry said peeping through my blue curtains.

"Ugh go away away Harry." I walked over and pulled my curtains closed, but he opened them up again.

"Be ready at 6, I'm taking you somewhere" he demanded, "unless you have plans with Chloe." He smirked.

I rolled my eyes, and pulled the curtains shut.

He peeped his head through the curtain and smiled, "See you at 6! My bud Niall is taking us." He left the window, and I started to wonder where he was going to take me.

4 hours passed, and I couldn't believe I actually found myself getting ready to go out for this thing with Harry.

I slid on some black shorts, and a formfitting white shirt embellished with white lacy flowers. I also wore a long necklace with a pendant and threw on some silver sandals.

It was almost 6, and I grabbed my purse and walked downstairs.

"Where are you going?" My mum said.

"Out with friends."

"New friends from you driving school?"

"Ya," I said.

"Okay have fun. I expect to meet them Jen."

I nodded, and walked out to the white car that had just pulled up. Harry got out and opened the passenger door for me, and then sat down in the backseat. "I'm Niall," the blonde driving the car said.

"Nice to meet you, I'm Jenna."

He started the car, and we were headed into a rural area. I looked around and asked Harry, "Where the heck are we going?"

"Calm down, you'll see." He said.

I rolled my eyes, "Why did I even bother to come with you," I said.

He sighed, and didn't say anything back.

"Well here we are," Niall said. "hope you two have fun, by the sound of it, you two get along real well," He said sarcastically.

I got out of the car and waited for Harry to get out of the car. Niall drove off, and left me alone with Harry. "I can't believe you dragged me into this." I looked around at a field and a broken down roadway below me.

"Come with me," he said.

I followed him, "Why do you you have a man purse," I asked.

He pulled out a mini shovel and I stared at him like he was an idiot.

He walked me over to a field, and then to a tree. He walked over to a spot under the tree, and started digging. He hit something hard, and pulled out a box. Before he opened the box, he told me to have a seat.

He took a deep sigh.

"There's something I need to tell you Jen."

I leaned in, and got a bit closer to him.

"That day you saw me pull up in that car on the driveway, well I had gotten a call from a man threatening me and my family, saying he'd kill all of us, if I didn't help him," a tear traveled down his cheek. "I helped him." He added.

"Why are you telling me this?" I said worried.

"Well you were friends with Jordan, right?"

"Right, I still am."

"You don't know?" Harry said saddening.

"No." I said, feeling my breaths getting shorter.

"Her whole family was killed that night- the night of the fire." Harry struggled with the words. He saw me melt down, and wrapped an arm around my back.

I calmed down, and pulled myself together a bit.

"What did that man make you do?" I said frightened.

"He made me clean up his tracks." He said.

"What tracks?"

Harry opened the lid of the box, in the box laid a knife.

My eyes widened.

"Jen," he said. "That night of the fire, that wasn't lightening that started it."

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