6) The 7 Characters

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•Chapter 6•

I walked up to my room bringing Harry with me, I sat down and looked around, while Harry walked around looking for signs if what could have happened to me.

"What's this?" He asked holding up a sticky note with 7 numbers and letters.

"I don't know." I said cluelessly

"Is this some sort of password?" He asked.

I shook my head. "That paper wasn't there from what I remember." I added.

The rest of the night I looked around for anything I didn't recognize.

I ended up falling asleep next to Harry on the rug in my bedroom. I woke up and caught Harry looking at me. He quickly looked away and closed his eyes. He waited for me to fall asleep, he quietly left my house leaving me there asleep.

The next day I got up and got ready, I walked out the door and noticed Matt walking up to the door I had just walked out.

"You ready?" He asked.

"For?" I questioned

"I'm taking you to Drivers Ed."


"Your sister told me she had to run an errand. So I'm taking you."

I got in the car. I immediately saw Harry.

"You." I said.

"Me?" He replied.

"Why did you leave without telling me last night?"

"I'm sorry, I didn't want to wake you up."


"I care."

"You care?" I asked


I turned my head not knowing what to say.

"Sorry I cared?" He said sarcastically.

I sighed and looked out the window.

I saw a car pass by, I looked down at the license plate. "Harry, license plates have 7 numbers and letters put together, right? What if that's what the note on my desk was of?"

"Maybe." he said in a annoyed tone.

We got to the school and I took a seat across from him. Class started, a few minutes into class I glanced over at him, but his eyes were already glued on me. No one had ever looked at me the way he had. His curls slightly covered his brows, and his head tilted a bit. I watched as he reached one of his large hands from under the table. He picked up his pen and started working on the assignment. I tried to concentrate I couldn't. I looked up any saw him quickly glance away. His eyes glowed, I couldn't help but want to look at him. He doesn't look or act like any of the guys I'd normally like, but he was kinda, sorta, completely irresistible, and I hated him for it.

We left class, and it was awkward, because Harry pretty much knew I'd been starring at him, and I knew he'd been starring at me.

He opened the door for me to get in, we didn't say anything, he just took a weird glance over at me as I got in.

When I got home I noticed my sister wasn't home yet, because her car wasn't on the driveway. I ran back up to Matt's car.

"Hey where's Jess?" I asked

"I don't know, she didn't tell me."

"Hold on.'' I said, as I frantically ran into the house calling my mum.

I found her on the coach napping. I tapped her shoulder and asked where Jessica was.

He shrugged as she complained about me waking her up.

I ran back outside. "Matt, my mum doesn't know either," I picked up my phone and called her, and she didn't answer. "and now she isn't answering her phone." I said worried.

Matt sighed, "She's not picking up my calls either."

My mum then came out of the house holding the home phone in her palms. "Jessi isn't picking up her phone. Where is she?"

Harry still sitting in the back seat of Matt's car covered his hands over his mouth and gasped, making a funny face, and making a little fun of us, he laughed saying "She isn't picking up my calls either." But Harry hadn't even called her.

My confused mom just stood there, while Matt and I laughed at Harry.

"Get in," Matt said. "let's go find her."

I got in the car again, and my mum stayed home to make more calls.

Matt drove us to Harry's house because he need to pick up a few things. As we turned the corner to the house, I saw Skyler with a guy. She was sitting on a brick wall, and the guy was kissing her. I quickly texted her,"Cute boyfriend " I watched her check her phone and blush a bit before we turned the corner.

We got to the house and one of the cars on the driveway had a window smashed. Harry ran up to the car a pulled out a note from the steering wheel. Tell her again, and next time it won't be the car getting smashed.

Harry hid the note so I wouldn't see it. "We have to go now," he said.

We left the street and pulled up to a gas station. Jessica's car was there! I ran up to her car, and looked in and saw her phone sitting on the armrest of the car. I walked into the gas station, but she wasn't there.

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