8) Rick

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I texted Harry trying to ask him about this audition, but no response all night. I disappointedly looked at the empty lock screen and slipped under the covers of my bed.

I heard commotion from down stairs as soon as a started to drift, I recklessly stripped the covers down, and ran down stairs.

My sister glowed at the threshold of the door, with a beaming smile.

I ran up to her and embraced her in a tight hug. "What on earth happened to you?"

She kept her lips sealed, and just smiled. "Jess we've been worried sick about you. where'd he take you?" I said frantically.

"Who's he? And I went to a Spa in Lake View with Linds." She replied.

I stormed off into the kitchen, furious of my sister's response. I pondered what the man had told her to keep her mouth shut.

Her skin really looked good though. I looked at hers and sighed feeling my rough skin.

I called Harry hoping he'd respond. But it was Niall.

Niall said that they were trying to catch they're flight and he couldn't talk. I heard a *click* and the call disconnected.

What flight? I thought.

I saw my sister set down her tote bag as she went to the bathroom. I decided to take a quick peak. ....nothing. Her bag was completely empty. Curiosity had stricken me ever since Matt and Harry came along. I was ready to finally find some answers and figure out why all this chaos had fallen on me.

I went back bed and got settled.

I woke up to a knock at the door. half awake I answered "Hello?" adjusting my eyes to the brightness of the sun, trying to fix myself on the blinding figure at my door.

"Hi" a deep voice projected. "Um I got your mail, so uh- here." He threw the mail in my hands and scurried back to his house.

I laughed a little to myself wondering what had just happened.

A few hours later I went out for a walk and saw a waving hand in my peripheral. I drew back my body towards the motion slightly leading on a small wave back at the gentleman. He motioned me to come over.

He politely smiled, "you'd be Jen, am I right?"

"Yes, have you always lived here?" I asked regretting the words after hearing the way they came out.

"Um ya. We go to school together actually and I've lived here since kindergarten."

Feeling terrible I asked what his name was.

"My names Richard. I- um, I don't know if you remember, but in first grade you invited me to your party. We were friends." He said.

I threw on a smile remembering the 4 FT version of him.

"How could I have forgotten! I called you Ricky, and your hair was short," he started smiling and nodding as I continued to vaguely recall who he was. "You're so tall now, what happened?

He chuckled stuffing his hands in his pockets, tilting his head a bit to the right, smiling and looking up at me.

" Well ma'am there's this extraordinary thing- ya, I think it's a new invention actually. It made me shoot up 2 FT in 5 years. But anyway it's called Puberty. You ever heard of it?"

"You aren't sarcastic at all." I said sarcastically.

"I see what you did there," he laughed. "nice irony." He added

"Haha well I guess I'll see you later, I won't wait 5 years this time to notice you're my neighbor." I said slowly backing up to my driveway. As the distance between us grew larger turned away looked at me, and gave me a friendly wave goodbye.

I walked inside and my Sky was inside talking to my mom. I didn't notice until heard, "hey why are you smiling so big." I realized I was smiling after she said that.

" I don't know haha." I said.

As soon as I said that a guy walked out if the bathroom, and I looked at him closely and it was Dallas.

"What is he doing here I asked."

"Ooh uh sorry Jen, um I hope it's ok he's here." She said.

"Come here baby." said Dallas .

He dragged her outside and pulled her behind the tree. After that I didn't want to know what happened.

I walked outside after I saw them leave.

Then when I walked out I saw Richard in the next door neighbors backyard.

I saw him look over at me, then heard him yell in pain.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 12, 2013 ⏰

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