Who Said Humanity Is Dead (Rich! Blake X Poor! M/F Reader)

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(Y/N P.o.V)

You sat on the sidewalk in your dirty F/C Flannel and F/C Jeans with Black and white shoes. You were homeless well not from losing money, your parents left you on the street when you were 9... Your 17 now,8 years you sat there getting barely enough money for food and water. You heard thunder as rain started to fall. You sigh knowing that you would at least get free cleaning of you dirty clothes and some water.

"Um Sir/Madam"

You look over and see a girl in a black and white shirt with black leggings and black heels with a black bow (she's rich so she looks a little different)

"I was wondering if you like to share my umbrella" she says pointing up
"No I'm good thanks though"
"No I insist"

She walks over and sits next to you

"My names Blake by the way...what's yours"
"That's cute"

You blush

"Uh thanks"
"Would you like to join me in my home"
"No I'll just be a waste of time on your end"
"No it's not...your not like other homeless people your young...your here for a different reason"
"...my parents left me on the street when I was 9... It's been 8 years...I'm 17 now"
"I'm sorry if yo-"
"BLAKE" a girl in a yellow dress with yellow umbrella says with a girl in red and another in white following her
"We have been worried sick" the red one says
"I-I'm sorry guys I was just going on a walk"
"Why the Heck are you hanging out with a...BUM" the girl in white says
"He's/she's not like the others Weiss he's/she's...Here for a different reason not for losing money like the others"

She stands up and grabs your arm pulling you up with her

"I'm going to bring him back home" Blake says
"Wha I'm not letting a b-" Weiss says
"Save it Weiss" the red one says
"Yeah Weiss" the one in yellow says

"So what's your name" the red one says
"Uh Y/N" you say shyly
"That's cool...I'm ruby and this is yang and Weiss" she says pointing to the yellow and white ones

We start to walk in a direction as I try to brake free of blake's grasp

"Y/N come on it's fine you can stay with us"
"It's not fine I'm just a loser with no job or money"
"Your not a loser"
"I a-"

Blake cuts you off by kissing you on the lips

"Awwwwwww" Ruby says smiling as you relax into the kiss

You two pull away and walk to your new home where you live a happy life helping other homeless people and having a overall happy life

A/N yeah it's long I got carried away

RWBY X Reader Oneshots (Request's Open)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora