Lucky Me, Lucky Me (Winter X M/F Reader)

969 16 10

Requested by GalloKillerPR


You sat outside of Winters door, apparently her boyfriend or something cheated on her and now she locked herself in her room, ironwood told you to wait until she came out since you and Winter were basically best friends, even before she grew up, you sat down and laid your back onto the wall next to the door

"Winter? You okay in there?" You ask looking up at the ceiling
"Y-Y/N, is that you?"
"Yeah Wint, it's me"

You heard someone stand up and make there way over to the door, you stood up and walking front of the door. Winter opened it and looked at you

"Hey, how you holding up"
"I-I'm fine"
"Sorry he did this to you"
"N-no it's fine, I-it's my fault anyway"
"Your fault? How"
"I, I wasn't good enough"
"Winter. . . Your better then good, your a amazing person, now that I can talk to you, where is your boyfriend?"
"H-he said he'd go to his new girlfriends house"
"Know where it is?"
"Well, I'd love to stay and chat but I, need to go run some errands"
"O-okay, thank you for having this talk"
"Yeah, bye Wint"
"Bye Y/N"

You walked off and headed back to your apartment, waking in you looked around and soon found your weapon, which wasn't really your weapon as that was locked in your dresser, instead the weapon was brass knuckles, oh this will be fun, leaving the apartment you made your way to Winters now Ex- boyfriend. It took a few minutes until you stood outside of the house, putting on your brass knuckles you walked and knocked on the door, it was unlocked so you walked in, hearing a bed creak upstairs you walked up and opened the door to see what the noise was, guess what. . . It was winters boyfriend and his new girlfriend, guess what happened next, you walked in, smiled and punched him in the face, he fell back and had blood coming out of his face

"Dude, what the fu-"

You got on top of him and started to punch him several times, over and overs till he was unconscious, with a broken arm and several bruises, and blood all over

"That was for Winter"

You smiled and took off the brass knuckle and put it in your pocket, taking out your scroll you snapped a picture and smiled, you also managed to take a picture of the. . . Scene before you punched him

"Have a nice day, by the way. . . This dude cheated on his real girlfriend"

You threw her the brass knuckles

"Have fun you two


"Hey Wint"
"Winter it's me, Y/N

You heard some shuffling before the door opened and winter appeared in her sleepwear

"Y/N it's one in the morning"
"Sorry Wint but I got something to tell you"
"Can it wait?"
"Probably not"
"Fine, make it quick" she said in a annoyed voice

I took out my scroll and went to the picture, I smiled as I handed it to her
She looked at it and her eyes widen

"Y-you beat him up"
"I-i don't know what to say"
"Say nothing, your welcome"

You then walked away, it took a hour or so to reach your apartment, when you did you went in and got to sleep,


It's been a week since you beat up Winters ex-Boyfriend, luckily he got hit so hard he forgot the day totally, so he forgot everything. . . Including winter

"Babe, what's wrong" he said outside her door
"Shut UP!"
"What's wrong, are you is it the month already?"

You were walking to her home, she called you to get rid of him since he was really pissing her off

"HEY" you yelled
"Don't worry dude, my girlfriend is just angry"
"W-what, I w-would never"
"Yeah, say that to this"

You pulled out your scroll and showed him both of your pictures.

"Get. Away. Before. I. Do. It. Again." You said stopping after every word

He got the point and ran away

"He's gone Wint"

She opened the door and smiled

"T-thanks Y/N"
"No Problem, since that's all il be off"

You turned to face her, she smiled before pulling you in for a kiss, it lasted for a minute or so until air parted you both

"I've liked you for awhile, even with my ex, I love you"
"I love you too, want to go on a date today?"
"I'd love too, let me get ready"

You smiled as she ran inside to get ready

"Lucky me, lucky me

Long one, like the Blake story I got carried away

RWBY X Reader Oneshots (Request's Open)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora