Happy Ending (Weiss X F Wolf Reader)

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Request by LizzyChan666
Written By Everyone's Favorite Jester


You made your way to Weiss's dorm, you were a nervous wreck to say the least, beside the fact that your both girls you had no idea if Weiss liked you or not, yeah she was seemingly nicer to you. . . If Weiss was ever nice to begin with. It took a few minutes until you finally reached her dorm, raising your hand to the door you gulped

'Here goes nothing' you thought as you knocked a few times on the door

You heard some shuffling and then suddenly the door swung open and Weiss appeared in the doorway

"W-Weiss hey"
"Hey Y/N what's up"
"I-i was wondering if, like you and like, me"
"What about you and me?"
"Uh, oh look a deer"

She looked confused but turned anyway, you took this time to quickly run away before she can turn around

"Wait! Y/N" you heard a voice behind you scream

You sighed and slowed down enough to where Weiss can catch up to you

"What were you going to ask me?"
"It's not important"
"It is important you dunce"
"No it's really not"
"Yes, it is, now tell me the questions"
"Fine, I was going to ask if you wanted to go out, with me"
"Wha! L-like a date?"
"I planed it like that"
"Well, I'd love to"
"Il pick you up at five then, bye Weiss"
"bye Y/N"

You raced back to your dorm, going in you saw everyone relaxing

"How did it go?" F/T said
"S-she said yes"
"GOD DAMN IT" M/T screamed
"Where's my Five bucks" Your final teammate said as he smiled
"Here" he said as she handed him five lien
"Thank you very much"

And that was it, you and Weiss went on the date and you actually got together after it. It was truly a happy ending

Oh yeah and by the way, I GAVE MYSELF AND BLOODY NOSE, and was too lazy to write any "Wolf" related stuff so just imagine I wrote it in somewhere like Tail, or ears okay? Good.

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Jul 18, 2016 ⏰

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