Ice Cream (Neo X OC Arctic Ice/M F Reader) (P:2)

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(Arctic/YN P.o.V)

I awoke to the sound of my alarm clock blaring in my ear, I groaned and hit it with my hand. I sat up and looked around until I noticed my phone on the dresser I grabbed it and noticed that neo texted me last night, I was probably sleeping so I couldn't reply the text read

"Hey Arctic/YN I was wondering if you can meet me at the park today, text me when you can k"

You smiled as your hands tapped away at the screen until you texted back

"Sure what time"
"Be there by 5 k"
"Okay see you then"

You smiled turning off your phone and doing you morning routine. During the shower I was taking I heard my phone go off I checked it and seen that it was another text from Neo

"Yay love you"

You blushed before another text came in

"Im sorry I just typed quick"
"That's fine, I love you too Ne"
"So we're dating???"
"If your okay with it yeah"
"Yeah I'm fine with it il text you when I'm almost at the know what let's change it to the ice cream shop"
"Sure il see you there"

I smiled and finished my shower getting on some clothes and walking to my job which I had a off day for

(Time skip, at ice cream shop)

I walked through the double doors to see my manager looking at papers behind the counter

"Arctic/YN what are you doing's Saturday your off today"
"I know, I'm going on a date with my girlfriend and she wanted to meet here"
"Oh that's nice...what's her favorite flavor il whip some up"
"It's (BRAIN FART, I totally forgot the name so look in part 1)
"Okay I'm get some"

He walked in the back to get some ice cream as Neo came in

"Hey Ice/LN"
"Why are you calling me by my last name?" You asked a little confused
"Oh I just thought it would be cute since you called me Ne"

You blushed and smiled

"Okay here we are F/F (Favorite Flavor) and (once again I forgot so look in P:1)

You smiled and grabbed the cones

"Thanks boss, il don't got any money on me though"
"Oh it's fine...but you working overtime tomorrow"

You smiled and thanked him before leaving with Neo

"Your boss is pretty nice" she said smiling at you
"Yeah he grew up with me so we know each other pretty well"
"That's nice"

You continued to walk through the town looking at all the shops,sighs, and things that caught your eye


You know that voice anywhere. You turned and saw your uncle rushing towards you

"Uncle Bob what's up"
"Oh you know the norm"

You sighed and handed your cone to Neo before face-palming

"What I can't use Norm"
"You always try to be like young people"

He chucked before noticing Neo next to you

"Who's this"
"That's my girlfriend...Neo"

He started to laugh

"My nephew finally getting a girl" he said dying of laughter
"At least I'm not dating still"
"Hey no one likes your old uncle anymore"

You laughed and smiled

"Well il see you later Arctic/YN" he said walking away smiling
"He's nice"

You head to a local park and sit on a bench

"I had fun...we should do this again"
"Yeah...this will probably be the most memorable date"
"I know how to make it more memorable"

You were cut off by Neo pulling you in for a kiss which you quickly melted into, after a minute or so you pulled away and smiled

"I Love You Ne"
"Awe I love you too Ice/LN"
"WOOOOOOOO" you heard someone say behind you
"NO!" You said jumping up and seeing you uncle about to pop a bottle of vodka
"LETS PARTY" he screamed as he popped the top off and started to drink from the bottle itself. You sighed as Neo giggled the night was very memorable too, not just from the kiss or seeing your uncle, but the party you guys had, if you could only somehow get that bottle out of your uncles hands...he's going to regret this tomorrow

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