Chapter 1: Sorrowful Fate

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Hello! So I'm relatively new at this sort of thing, and I am experimenting with different types of stories. This is way different than anything else I've ever done so please bare with me! If any one wants to help out with ideas, or maybe advise that would be much appreciated!

This is a Yaoi fanfiction! You have been warned! Also some characters may seem more OC than normal, again I'm new at this and I am experimenting still. Now relax and enjoy!

I don't know anything related to Daiya no Ace!

It all happened so fast. One minute they were together, then the next they weren't. His lungs burned, legs sore, panic filling his chest. He gritted his teeth, his eyes watching the figure get farther and father away from him. Why was he so far away? He picked up the pace, why had he let it come to this? Why did he allow this to happen? That's when he heard it, a loud bang, a scream, and then silence.

He whipped around the corner, his breath hitched. He stopped, as he saw the scene before him. No... no no no no no! His feet moved, rushing to the unmoving figure in front of him. His vision blurred, this can't be real... this CAN'T be happening right now.

It all happened so fast, one minute they were together, then the next they weren't. His chest ached, his arms wrapping around the figure as he brought him closer "Eijun, hey Eijun can you hear me?" he asked the younger boy. When he received no answer, more panic filled his chest. He barely heard the concerned voice calling out to him, but when he did he demanded they call for help.

His eyes snapped back down to the boy in his arms, and he tapped his cheek softly "Eijun, Eijun I need you to stay with me... oh god... you better stay with me!" he chocked out. When he heard a strained groan, he snapped his eyes over to Eijun's.

He felt more fear, and when he looked more closely he could see there was barely any life in those golden orbs he was so allured by. He looked the boy over, placing a hand over his mouth. He had only just noticed the blood... so much blood.

This wasn't happening, no, no this seriously wasn't happening. Kazuya quickly placed his hand on Eijun's stomach, as he tried to stop the blood "Ka... Kazu.." Eijun struggled with his words. Pain was etched into his face, and he was struggling to keep his eyes open. Kazuya shook his head "don't talk, you'll only make it worse you idiot. You'll be ok, once we get someone to check you over you'll-" he was stopped, as Eijun shook his head.

Kazuya felt hot tears invading the corner of his eyes, as Eijun weakly placed his hand on his cheek "love you... I love you... so much Kazuya" he muttered weakly. It was then that the boy used whatever energy he had left to pull him closer, before placing a messy kiss on his lips. Kazuya's eyes widened, but he slide his eyes closed and returned the kiss. Kazuya held him closer, before their lips parted. Tears dripped down his cheeks.

Kazuya knew, he knew what this kiss was meant for. He didn't want to accept it, he didn't want to accept this goodbye. He looked at Eijun weakly "don't you dare leave me, you can't leave me!" he croaked. Eijun gave him a weak smile, his hand slipping from his cheek. Eiju's golden color started to fade quickly, his eyes sliding closed "love you..." he whispered, before everything seemed to slow down.

It all happened so fast. One minute they were together, then the next they weren't. He began to shake his shoulder, as the boy in his arms grew colder and colder. Red and blue flashed, sirens blared, and voices rang. Kazuya just stared forward, not able to respond. Everything didn't seem real, COUNLD'T be real. When something tugged at the body in his arms, Kazuya refused to budge and held to boy closely. He refused to accept this, Eijun wasn't dead, he was just tired. He'd wake up, and brush his finger tips across his cheek before cooping it while smiling at him with that goofy face of his. Then Eijun would scowl at his snippy comment and he'd lean in and silence him with a kiss.

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