Chapter 5: Advice, Thoughts, and Determination

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Another week passed by after that incident, and Miyuki and Eijun never spoke about what had happened that night. Miyuki drowned himself in work as he prepared for the upcoming season. As for Eijun, he was too angry and confused to try and bring up the topic again.

Sawamura would stare at the catcher as he spoke with the coach, or when he was catching for Furuya. He'd never admit it, but he wanted Miyuki to catch his pitches.

A sigh escaped his lips, damn Miyuki, making him worry. The boy in question had dark circles under his eyes, and he always seemed tired. Even though Sawamura was worried about him, he was still upset.

Another sigh escaped his lips as he entered the cafeteria, earning him a concerned response from Haruichi "Eijun is everything ok? That's the third time you've made such a deep sigh today" he commented.

Sawamura looked over at him, before they sat down "I don't know... it's complicated" he said, staring at his food.

Haruichi looked at him, as Furuya sat across from them "well I'm all ears" he said. Eijun looked at him, pursing his lips.

He already knew that Haruichi and Furuya where a couple, they had been since a month ago. Maybe he could talk to them about his situation?

When he thought about the rather heated night, his ears turned a bit pink and his eyes avoided the other two at the table. Haruichi seemed to catch on, "does this have something to do with the person you like perhaps?" he asked.

Eijun tensed and looked over at him, sighing again "even if I say no, you'll probably still figure it out... it's just that, well lately I get this fluttering feeling in my stomach whenever I see them. It started getting worse and worse everyday for the past two weeks and then I just started thinking about them all the time" he said.

Haruichi nodded, and motioned him to continue. Sawamura did "When I admitted my feelings, there was a moment that I thought that they too had the same feelings I did... but well... after having that moment they outright denied it and said that I was misunderstanding my own feelings... how could he say that?" he said, a bit louder.

Haruichi and Furuya looked at one another "he?" Haruichi asked. Sawamura froze, had he accidentally stated the liked a guy? Yes. Had he thought Haruichi would notice? No. He should have known better.

Sawamura looked downwards "well yeah... I think I like a guy" he admitted. Haruichi nodded, patting him on the back "It's Miyuki isn't it?" he asked softly.

Sawamura nearly spit out the water he was drinking "M... Miyuki? Yeah right! Why would I ever like that jerk?" he asked, laughing rather weakly.

Haruichi raised a brow, earning him another sigh "oh all right... yea it's Miyuki..." he muttered, plastering his face against the table.

Haruichi nodded "I figured, lately he's all you ever look at... I could tell the way your eyes seemed to shine every time he was in your view" he said.

Sawamura blushed softly "you don't have to make it sound so embarrassing Haruichi!" he said, rolling his eyes.

Haruichi stiffened "s... sorry I didn't mean for it to sound embarrassing, a... anyways why'd he say your feelings were a misunderstanding? What exactly happened?" he asked, his head tilted to the side.

Sawamura gulped "er... well I sort of kissed him? B... but he kissed me back, and then some! I totally thought he felt the same, but then he said I was over thinking things and that I didn't think things through... I don't understand him at all!" he whined, throwing his hands up into the air.

Haruichi pursed his lips at this, and then looked over at Furuya. Furuya finished up his food before speaking "he's afraid..." he said softly, before eating again.

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