Chapter 1

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~Six years later~

Kynthia Crow's POV

Artemis made the signal for us to surround the enemy. I made it clear to the enemy that we were there and I had my bow and arrow pointed at them. The group was made up of four people. A young girl, probably eight, another girl, probably thirteen, a boy, probably fifteen, and a satyr.

"Drop your weapons." I demanded as I stepped out of the shadows. At first the elder girl seemed shocked at my age-I mean I looked like seven year old holding a very dangerous bow, the kind that only professionals use, who wouldn't be shocked.

It took a moment for the elder girl to snap back.

"Drop your weapons first." She glared back at me. I glanced at Artemis. She nodded and the rest of the Hunters and I put away our weapons. As soon as we did that the party of four also put their weapons away.

"Who are you?" Artemis asked.

"Why would you want to know?" The girl spat back.

Zoe stepped forward to interfere, but I pulled her back. "She is simply ignorant, she did not mean any harm."

Artemis laughed softly. "I am the goddess, Artemis and these are my Hunters." Artemis informed the girl.

"Oh," The girl looked a little fazed. "I'm Thalia, this is Annabeth-" she gestured to the little girl-"that's Luke-" she pointed to the boy-"and the satyr is Grover." Thalia explained.

"What are a bunch of demi-gods doing away from camp? Are you on a quest?" Zoe asked.

"We're trying to find camp," Annabeth stated boldly. "But Grover keeps getting us lost."

"Perhaps you would find it helpful if one of my Hunters were to guide you." Artemis looked at me. Sure enough Artemis was trying to get rid of me before they went on some super dangerous quest that she didn't want someone as young as me tagging along.

"That would certainly be helpful, Lady Artemis." Grover was all for the idea of having a beautiful, eternal maiden guide them to camp.

"In that case take Kynthia." Artemis nodded at me.

"But M' Lady-" I began

"No buts. The monster we are planning to eliminate is to dangerous for someone as young as yourself." Artemis cut me off.

"Yes, M' Lady. However I am not very comfortable traveling in the company of men." I continued to argue.

"You are younger than everyone else in the Hunt. They have had worse experiences with men than you have. It would be better if you were to go because you would at least be able to rely a little bit in the men of the party."

"Very well, M' Lady." I know a lost cause when I see one.

I set of to the east with Thalia, Annabeth, Luke and Grover trailing behind me. We walked in silence until Thalia tried to crack the icy layer of tension that had been forming around us.

"Do Hunters normally join at the age of seven?" Thalia questioned.

"No, as far as I know I'm the youngest to join. The second youngest I believe was age eleven when she joined." I answered.

"So, your name is Kynthia. That's an unusual name." Annabeth began. "It means moon, right?"

"Yes, my name is Kynthia Crow and my mother's was Nyx Crow." I replied. "Yes my name does means moon while my mother's means night. She was named after night"

"Why did you join? When did you join? When is your birthday? What weapon do you use? Why did Artemis want you to guide us? How many time have you been to camp half-blood? What's it like there? Who's your godly parent?" Annabeth's flurry of questions came and went.

"I joined the Hunters because I was basically raised by Artemis and some of the other Hunters. I joined a year ago, so if I were still aging I would be eight years old. My birthday is near the winter solstice, so around December 21st. I normally use either bow and arrow or dagger. Artemis wanted me to go with you so I couldn't come with them on the dangerous mission they were planning to go on. I've been to camp once before. It's nice you will like it." I answered the questions almost as fast as Annabeth asked them.

"You forgot to tell me who your godly parent is." Annabeth pointed out. Damn it. I was hoping she wouldn't notice.

"Hades." I mumbled.

"Oh, my dad says that my mom is Athena," Annabeth seemed oblivious to the fact that I hated my godly parent. "Thalia's godly parent is Zeus. And Luke's is Hermes."

"I'm a descendant of Thanatos. He was my mom's dad." I revealed a little bit more about myself.

"Why are we getting guided by an seven year old?" Luke complained.

"Technically I'm eight." I corrected. "And would you rather get guided by someone who is thousands of years older than you?" That shut him up.

We continued towards Camp Half-Blood in silence until I sensed the strong smell of monster coming from a warehouse.

"Stay here. I need to check this out." I ordered them. I crept forward slowly. As I entered I immediately noticed three large figures, over seven feet tall.

"Cyclopes." I murmured under my breath. I crept around in the shadows until I had a good chance of taking them all out. I fired my bow and the first one disintegrated. The other two looked in my direction as I struggled to get another arrow. I fired and the second one disintegrated. By now the third one was way to close for me to use arrows, so I pulled out my dagger and with a few strikes and a stab in the chest, the Cyclopes collapsed into a pile of dust.

By the time I was done I was so exhausted that I didn't notice something large approaching me from behind until it was too late. It was another Cyclopes. This one was a lot bigger than any of the other ones.

It grabbed me in it's fist and bellowed, "You have killed my brethren. You shall pay!"

And then I did something I have never done before in my life. I screamed

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