cuddles and kisses?

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Grace: I'm done with this shit. Alice will now replace me good bye now.


Cartman: I'm not fat I'm big boned!!

Alice: heheh! @kymanforever has a dare for you!

Kyle: awe great. *face palms*

Alice: and the dare is, kyle has to but cat ears on and be super adorable and kiss and cuddle cartman alot! Ooo I'm getting feels!!

Kyle: NO! I aint doin that shit!
*Grace in the background* 'you can forget about your 50 bucks.' FINE!

Kyle: *puts cat ears on* cartman! Get your fat- I mean.. cartman~ come over here~♡

Cartman: what the fuck

Kyle *nudges cartman*

Carman: y are nekos so popular.

Kyle *kisses cartman on both cheeks many times*

Cartman: Heheh...*blushes madly* a-are y-you done yet?..

Alice: Yep! He is done! KYLE THAT WAS SO CUTE!!!

kyle: *shivers* i. Dont. Ever. Want. To. Do. That. Ever. Again...

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