August 18, 1691

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August 18, 1691

Dear Diary,

     The most peculiar scenario happened to me today. As I knelt in my garden, singing a grow spell to the flowers, the Salvatore brothers approached me from behind. They had just returned from the war and said how my garden's sweet aroma captivated them into exploring more. Cyrus Salvatore, the elder of the brothers, then carried on by first complimenting my beauty but then making some rather crude jokes about being a woman and where our duties prioritize such as cooking and cleaning in the house rather than singing in a garden. The nerve of some people! Not all was lost though, Thaddeus Salvatore, the younger brother and two years older than I, quickly defended me as a true knight should. He stood up for what I do, flattering me with every sweet word he spoke. Then Cyrus made his move once more, due to him being the elder brother he received first choice in marriage; I suppose to get back at his brother, he immediately proposed marriage to me! I politely declined which didn't make Cyrus too happy.Thaddeus again interrupted by saying how a woman deserves her choice in marrigae, he is truly a pure heart. Cyrus grew angrier then asked again, however, this time he said if I choose not to marry him, I shall die. "If I may not have a beautiful maiden such as thou, then no one shalt have thee."  I had no choice, I'd much rather marry a cruel man then meet the kiss of death. 

Cyrus wasted no time in our marriage and insisted we marry in the middle of my garden, Thaddeus stood as witness, hurt showing in his eyes. After the wedding Cyrus ordered me to return inside my small cottage and retrieve my belongings, but when I came back outside everything I held he said was useless. He only allowed me to keep a few spices, my spell book, some seeds from my garden, and my diary. 


Guinevere Petrova

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