Introducing: The Crew!

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Introducing: The Crew!

"Can you come and meet me at the new shop, Honey Café, after school today?" Chris asked. I raised a brow.

"Huh? Why?" I muttered, already taking out my phone to text Lailah; since she was the more reasonable one to communicate with.

"I want you to meet my other friends." He smiled softly.

"Are they jerks like some of my friends?" I asked bluntly. Chris coughed a little bit.

"No. How would I know on how your friends act?" He muttered. I can already imagine him bracing for the worst.

"Easy; know the bullies in this school?" I sighed, playing with my water bottle.


"They’re nothing like that." I swallowed a tiny amount of water from the plastic water I had in my hands. “They’re extremely nice once you get to know them. What about your friends?”

"Uh... Well…" He weakly laughed. "They're really…crazy when together."

"Ah, wonderful. I'm sure I'm going to be good friends with them in no time. All of my friends are a bit on the insane side too." I admitted. My phone vibrated. I figured it was Lailah, so I opened it.

-With a boy? Sure! Just don't do anything to crazy! – Crazy Demon Lady

What the hell, Lailah?!

"Something wrong?" Chris looked at me right in the eyes.

"No, no. It's just that my…um…mother. She sent one of the craziest messages she just sent yet." I sighed.

"Oh?" He looked at me.

"Anyway…I can go." I softly muttered.

"That's great. Meet me in front of the school?" He asked.

"Sure. I'm going to be a few minutes late. My friend wants me to do her makeup for her date." I answered.

"That's alright." He looked up to the sky. "You do makeup?"

"Just a little, then again...I’m not really great at it." I answered rather bluntly.


"Mm." I sighed. "It's rather hard at times. I hardly have time for my own self to do my own makeup; if I wore any."

"Couldn't you just do it in the morning?" Chris raised a brow at me. Am I seriously having a woman-to-man talk about makeup? Really?

"Impossible." I sighed. "I'm not really accustomed to waking up so early in the morning, so I wake up really late; which just so happened today."

"So that's why your hair looks like a rat's nest." He chuckled.

"Just you're my friend doesn't mean I can kick your ass for saying that." I growled monotonously.

"Just because you're my friend doesn't mean I can't insult you." He smiled.

"Wonderful comeback, where however did you get it?" I rolled my eyes.

"I don't really know. Just came to me, like a dream." He shrugged.

            “Ugh… Sometimes, you confuse me…” I sighed, knocking my head to the tree; a little too hard for my liking. As I rubbed my head, which was throbbing in pain, Chris stood up and shielding me from getting hit from a pinecone. I looked up to him, who was waiting for a thank-you from me. “Thanks?” I asked more than a question. “You saved me.”

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