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Heyo I'm back woop


Dean had asked Castiel to stay the night, and he said yes. Dean was relieved; but that was soon over when he realised that they had to start their English assessment.

"Cas, do you wanna start writing our assessment?" Castiel nods his head. "What's yours about, Dean?" Dean shrugged, "I don't really know, probably just going to be a short story about stuff...." Castiel giggled. "Well that was very informative, I don't know what to write either," he admitted.

The two worked in silence until about midnight when Dean gave in.

"I give up, I'm gonna have a quick shower and go to bed," he sighed and Casyiel looked up from Dean's bed and nodded.

Dean stood in the shower, letting the water run down his body. He looked at the drawing on his wrist and put it under the water, washing it off.


Dean was out of the shower and he handed Castiel some clothes and he got in the shower and washed his body. Castiel stepped out of the shower and quickly dried himself off and got changed and laid in bed with Dean.

Once again, Dean fell asleep first and unknowingly put his arms around Castiel (we all know he liked it) which as much as he didn't want to admit it, Castiel could sleep better like that.

*** at school the next day ***

Dean and Castiel sat in English, both secretly dreading their turn to read their stories out.

"Castiel Novak," Mrs Johnson said and he shakily stood up, and was stopped by Dean's hand on his arm. "You can do this Cas." Castiel smiled and walked up to the front of the class and pulled out his paper.

Castiel started to get shaky, his hands were trembling and he couldn't breathe properly; his vision was messing up and he dropped the paper and ran out of class.

"CASTIEL NOVAL COME BACK!" Mrs Johnson yelled but he kept running until he got to the bathroom and he sat on the floor.


Dean got up and ran as soon as the teacher yelled at Castiel. "DEAN CPME BACK NOW!" She yelled again, but Dean ignored and ran after Castiel, who ran into the toilets.

He walked in slowly, and saw a shaking, crying and terrified Castiel Novak sitting on the ground.

"Cas," Dean whispered and he looked up. Dean sat next to him and tried to calm him; "think of happy things...." Dean tried to think of other things, then he remembered one thing that stops panic attacks; holding your breath.

"Cas, listen to me, try and hold your breath," and Cas tried, but he couldn't hold it. "I-I I can-nt..." He choked out, then Dean thought of something that just might help.

"Cas, look at me." He looks up and Dean leans in and presses his lips to Castiel's.

Ohhh cliff hanger again! I'm really evil lmao oops but I'll try and update this soon! Thanks byee xx

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