Tony's anxieity attacks

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The christmas song ''Jingle Bells'' from the lab downstairs fills the mansion. It goes everywhere, you can't miss it. Not that I'm complaining, I love christmas songs, but when you're trying to sleep, it's not always good to hear.

It's the middle of the night, and I clearly hear Tony working on his upgrading on the suits while talking to Jarvis. I'm starting to get really worried for Tony. He hasn't slept for 72 hours. That's not normal.

The reason I'm not sleeping, is because I can't sleep. I've tried to, but I keep having these visions, and they always end up with the person, I overtake, gets killed. A night, when I told Tony about it, he literally jumped from the bed and flied to the Helicarrier to talk to Fury about my visions. He's really overprotecting when it comes to my happiness.

I still think about Steve sometimes. I miss him so much. I also still think about that talk we had, and I haven't yet told Tony about me doubting in my feelings. I do love Tony, and I don't want to lose him, but he deserves to know it. And I know what you're thinking. I'm an idiot for not telling him sooner, but I've had my reasons not to.

I suddenly hear a big crash from downstairs. What the hell is going on? What is he actually doing? I stand quickly from the bed and run downstairs to the garage. I run through the glass door without tapping the code, and I see Tony sit on the floor with his Iron Man helmet on with the mask off, and the other pieces of the suit lie all around the floor. I see him bleeding from the corner of his lips.

''Tony, what the hell happened?'' I ask him and help him stand up.

''Don't worry babe, nothing serious. Just me trying the new upgrading of the new suit, Mark 42.'' I sigh in relief. ''What are you doing up?'' He asks me. I sigh and look down.

''The usual.'' I say to him. He sighs and takes off his helmet before taking his arms around me.

''I'm sorry that you have to go through this.'' he says to me. I look up at him and shrug.

''Well, that's just how it is when you have powers.'' I say like it's nothing. He then takes his hand to my chin and caresses me with his thumb. He looks at me like he knows something.

''It's him, isn't it? You're thinking about him don't you?'' he asks me, referring to Steve. I nod slowly.

''Yes, he's on my mind all the time.'' I tell him truly. He takes his arms off me and tenses in his body. I remain on my spot, because I can't do anything about him not liking Steve. It's his own fault. He asked, I answered.

He eventually calms down and nods. ''Babe, you look tired. You should go back to bed.'' He says to me.

I wide my eyes at him having double standards. ''So should you.'' I snap at him. He frowns at me. ''You haven't slept for 72 hours, Tony. You look tired and you should go back to bed.'' I tell him in a worried tone.

''I know, baby. I haven't slept for a while now, but I'm almost finished with my upgradings. I just need to modify my partner.'' he says and look towards his machines with a stern look, referring to Jarvis.

I shake my head at him. ''No, you see that's the problem, Tony. Once you're finish with an upgrading, you find a new upgrading and develop your suits again. You're so busy with the suits, that you never go to sleep with me. When I actually sleep, I always manage to fall asleep, while I wait for you to join me in bed. And you know why, Tony? Because when you say 5 minutes, they become 5 hours.'' Tony now looks at me with a hurt expression and is totally silent, probably full of guilt. I sigh and hug him tight. ''I only say this, because I love you, Tony. I know that this means a lot to you, but you have to get your priorities right and straight.'' He nods in respond and pull away from the hug.

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