Chapter 7

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About a week later Scott was finally settled in his new classes. All the teachers knew about his autism now and they all allowed him to wear his headphones. Scott still wouldn't take them off if Alex wasn't there.

Alex had been struggling the most out of the two. Usually if he didn't know how to spell something he would ask Scott or before he gave in his work Scott would check it to make sure there weren't any big mistake. However, Scott wasn't there to do that in three lessons so the teachers thought he wasn't trying hard enough. Mr Olusola volunteer to run a homework club where he would help Alex with his homework and classwork that he was told to do again. Alex only agreed to say yes if Scott was allowed to come with him promising that he wouldn't get Scott to help him with spelling. Well Mr Olusola helped Alex Scott would sit next to Alex with his headphones getting on with homework. They only did it once a week but it helped Alex a lot.

"How do you spell metaphor?" Alex asked.

"M E T A.." Scott started without thinking.

"Scott, let him try on his own." Mr Olusola said.

"M E T A F O R?" Alex ask.

"Nearly, what else makes a fff sound"

"Th?" Alex questioned.

"No try again"

"Ugh I can't do it! This is so stupid." Alex huffed.

"Remember that girl phoebe in middle school?" Scott asked.

"Yeah? What about her?"

"Well she has a ff sound in her name" Scott stated.

"Phoebe... P H!!! M E T A P H O R!"

"Yeah that right Alex! Well done. Thanks Scott" Mr Olusola smiled. Maybe they do work better together. He thought.

"I did it! Thanks Scott, you're the best."Scott smiled at the excited brunette noticing how his eyes had lighted up. He didn't really notice things like that but had recently start to notice Alex emotion more.

"You boys done well today I think you can leave early, it's Friday go and have some fun"

"But we have 3 minutes left!" Scott argued.

"Come on Scott he said we could leave, you have finished anyway and I'm not gonna get much done in 3 minutes."

"2 minutes now"

"Well hurry up before we don't have the chance to gloat and say we got let out early" Alex joked only getting a chuckle from Mr Olusola.

"Are you sleeping over tonight?" Alex asked as they made their way down the hall.

"Of course! I do every Friday, why wouldn't I?" Scott asked.

"Woah calm down I only asked" Alex assured.

"But why do you need to ask. I don't understand you sometimes." Scott shock his head. They made it out of school and walked to Alex's moms car that was waiting for them.

"Hello boys, how was homework club?" Alex's mom Julie asked.

"It was good! I spelt Metaphor on my own" Alex said still really proud of himself.

"That's great honey! You will be winning spelling bees before you know it" Julie joked.

"But Alex hates spelling bees" Scott interjected, confused.

"I know sweetie it was a joke"

"Oh" Scott said not really getting the punch line. They made it to Alex's house Scott sending a text to his mom as soon as he was inside the house.

"What do you want to do?" Alex asked Scott as they made their way to his bedroom.

"We have 37 minutes till your mom calls us for food so we shouldn't put on a movie. How about we listen to music?" Scott said as he sat on Alex desk chair well Alex chose to lay on his bed.

"Okay! Will you sing?" Alex questioned.

"If you would like." Scott said pressing play on Alex CD player not surprised when Carrie Underwood started playing.

"And tonight I wanna drive so far we'll only find static on the radio
And we can't see those city lights and I love the way you look in a firefly glow
Saying everything without making a sound, a cricket choir in the background, underneath a harvest moon
Standing on your shoes in my bare feet, dancing to the rhythm of your heartbeat
Oh whoa, and we're dancing to the rhythm of your heartbeat"

"I love your voice" Alex compliment.

A/N- Make sure to vote and comment and tell me what you think!

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