Chapter 18

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Alex Kirk: Are you coming over?

Scotty: After breakfast.

Alex Kirk: okay! Can't wait Scotty.

Scotty:Family is coming over on Sunday, will you be there?

Alex Kirk: Was that a invitation?
Alex Kirk: If you want me to come I will😍

Scotty: I will tell my mom.

Alex Kirk: Will your grandpa be there?

Scotty: My dads father will be here, yes.

Alex Kirk:Okay see you soon.

Alex new that Scott didn't have a good relationship with his grandpa because he didn't really understand Scotts autism and to make him have another reason to hate him, he recently came out as gay. So Alex could understand why Scott wanted Alex to be there. It was tradition for Scotts family to have dinner together at least twice a year and Scott couldn't cope with that. His dad worked a lot and his grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins didn't live close. Scott hated every second of it but maybe with Alex by his side it wouldn't be as bad this year or maybe worse. He wasn't looking forward to it at all and had told his mom several times.

Scotty: On my way.

Alex Kirk: Woo

"Richard! Your parents are coming early they should be here in an hour" Connie called to her husband.

"What? Why are they coming today dinner is tomorrow!?!" Rick said coming out from his office.

"I don't know but you know we can't argue with them. At least Scott is staying at Alex's tonight, he can hardly handle one hour in the same room as your dad." Connie said thinking back to past dinners.

"He's not that bad" Connie laughed.

"Sure Rick"

*Knock knock*

"Hello Robert, Jean!" Connie answered the door to her mother and father in law with a bright smile.

"Hello Connie, where is our son?" Robert asked , making his way into the house.

"He's in his office should be down anytime now. Would you like me too take your bags, you can sleep in Scotts room."

"Will he be sleeping with you and Richard." Connie laughed.

"Oh no, he was never one to sleep with us. He's staying at Alex's tonight."

"Still attached to that boys side then? Surprised he hasn't gotten tired of the boy. Do you pay him?" Connie's eyes widened.

"Why would I pay him?" She asked really offended.

"For looking after him of course"

"No." She took a deep breath. "They are actually together"

"Together? And you're okay with that? You letting them sleep over each other's house?" Robert shakes his head. Connie had had enough.

"Robert!! Your parents are here!" She grabbed there bags and was off upstairs away form him.

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