Chapter 20

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A/N- last chapter!

After dinner the boys decided to take Scotts little cousins up to his play room so they could play with his toys. It was Connie's idea, she thought it was best because she didn't need anymore tears tonight.

"Scoooottt" his 5 year old cousin asked.


"Who is that" she pointed at the picture on the wall.

"It's Beyoncé, Alex painted her for me"

"You painted that?" She said shocked. He nodded.

"Can you show me! We can paint princess!!" Cat cheer. Alex smiled and got all the arts and crafts stuff out of one of the draws. They placed a mat down on the floor and put one of Scotts old t shirts on the children so they wouldn't get paint on their cloths.

Alex drew about 10 princess so that Cat and Ana could colour them in. Alex decided to do too in canvas so the girls could hang it on their wall. Scott wasn't really into art and getting dirty so he was satisfied just watching Alex paint.

"Done!!" Cat shouted.

"Me too" Ana said.

"I don't think so we haven't even added glitter." Alex smiled and the girls shouted in unison.


"Thank you for these Alex. You are really talented." Sarah said as she was leaving.

"You're welcome" Alex smiled and gave the sleepy girls a hug

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"You're welcome" Alex smiled and gave the sleepy girls a hug. After Scott.

"Sorry about my father" David apologised.

"Already forgotten" Alex said smiling at Connie.

The house was finally quiet for what felt like forever. "Thank god they have gone" they all laughed.

"Scott you can't say that" Alex warned.

"What? It's true! My cousins weren't as bad as I remembered but dads father"

"Yeah I'm not even gonna defend him" Alex admitted.

"Me either" Connie agreed.

"Thank god we don't have school tomorrow, I'm not getting out of bed till at lest 9:30." Scott announced. Earning a laugh from Alex.

"Oh you are so hardcore!" Alex said making Connie and Rick laugh.

"What? That's late!"

"Yeah of course it is" Alex said as he grabbed his hand leading him up stairs.

"Fine 10am" Scott said.

"You really know how to please a boy" Alex laughed along with Scotts parents.

"Night boys!" Connie shouted up shaking her head.

"Goodnight!" They both shouted back.

"They are great boys" Rick said.

"They are. We did good and so did Scott." She chuckled. "They are gonna grow old together"

"Children?" Rick asked.

"Maybe. Scott will probably warm up to the idea when he realises he can adopted children over 5" she smiled at Rick.

"You can do that?" Scott said to Alex at the top of the stairs. They were listening to the adults conversation.

"Of course" Alex smiled.

"We should do that when we're old enough." Scott stated.

"Really?" Alex asked shocked.

"If you want to. I want a girl wait no.. Yeah I want a girl" Alex smiled, he's always wanted a little girl too.

"I love you" Alex said placing his head on the blonds shoulder.


"You don't have to say it back"

"No I want to. I really like you and I.. Ugh why can't I say it. I love Beyoncé, I love reading, I love my parents and I love you, so why can't I..."

"Scott!!" Alex gasp.

"What?!" He asked panicked.

"You said it!!" Alex was so happy.

"I did! I love you. I love you so much!" Alex wrapped his arms around the blond so tight. Scotts parents were now ant the bottom of the stairs.

"I love you so much too." Alex's smile was so wide his cheeks were aching.

A/N- thanks for reading, voting and commenting! I have enjoyed writing this and I hope you enjoyed reading it.

Until next time
Caitlin x

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