On Monday Connie took Scott to school as normal, they waved goodbye to him as he walked into the school with his music loud in his speakers. However she didn't leave. She waited as kids piled out minutes later in their gym clothes as their teacher instructed them to do things like throw a ball and catch. Scotts mother watched as Scott would just hold the ball in his hand, not making any move to throw the ball. As the children were told they could do whatever they wanted for 10 minutes she watched as most of the boys played football a few girls joining in. She saw a couple of girls skipping rope over the other side but struggled to find where Scott was in the mix. She scanned her eyes around the playground until they adventurually landed on her son. He was in the corner out of the way of all the other children with his headphones in. She had seen enough so she stepped back from her place and went to her car.
"I think we should home school him" Connie said to her husband.
"What?!" Rick asked confused by what made her decide that.
"It's better for him to be at home"
"You've just scared that people are gonna see how he's different."
"He will get picked on" she argued
"As most kids do, but they learn and it helps them for the future. If we home school him he will never know how to face people when he's older. I think we should keep him in school around children his own age."
"Fine, let our child be the class clown!"
"He will not be the class clown, he's Scott. Scott's, Scott why would we try and change that we love him because he's Scott." Rick said placing a kiss to his wife's forehead.

The A Boy (Scolex)
Romanceautism ˈɔːtɪz(ə)m/ noun a mental condition, present from early childhood, characterized by great difficulty in communicating and forming relationships with other people and in using language and abstract concepts.