#4- (ONE SHOT CONTINUE) You Fight With His Girlfriend [Louis Only]

65 4 2

2020- June 12

(You are 14 years old) 


( Your POV )

It's been four years since One Direction split up, we are all still pretty close because we all have a condo in London which we all share. Harry is engaged to his girlfriend, Kendall and Liam is engaged to a girl named Millicent. However, Niall is still single and happy. We don't really keep in touch with uncle Zayn anymore but Perrie sometimes visits. They aren't together anymore.

Dad and I lost the closeness in our father-daughter relationship, he's 29 and I'm 14.

I jumped down the stair in our condo, which we share with Harry and Kendall and sat at the breakfast table. Our cook, Molly served me some blueberry pancakes and I quickly consumed them.

"Hey (Y/N)," Kendall nudged me and I gave her my attention.

"I'm pregnant," She whispered and my eyes widened.

"Your pregnant?" I gasped and she nodded enthusiastically.

"Yep, only Kylie knows, and you also," She replied and I squeezed her hand with excitement.

"I'm going to have a cousin!" I exclaimed.

I heard footsteps and we quickly shut up, keeping her secret. I came face to face with my dad, who was extremely tired and stressed.

He gave me Freddie, my four year old brother and sat down on the floor. I raised my eyebrow, confused.

"You alright there dad?" I asked, stifling a laugh. He groaned.

"I'm so stressed," He says and I chuckle.

"Oh get up," I replied and he sat up. I heard a knock on the door and I answered it. I saw Danielle there with a bitch look on her face.

Danielle is my dad's girlfriend. They've been together for like 4 years and I hate her.

She walked past me and I rolled my eyes.

"Hello to you too," I muttered and she shot me a warning look.

"Where's my boyfriend?" She snapped and I lead her to the kitchen floor, where he was lying on the floor.

"What the fuck Louis?" She snapped and I covered Freddie's ears.

Dad opened his eyes and quickly scrambled up.

"Danielle what are you doing here?" He asked and she rolled her eyes.

"I practically live here," She snorted and started helping herself to my baking. I groaned and took Freddie to my room.

"I don't like Dani," Freddie said and I chuckled.

"Me neither buddy, when's your mummy coming to pick you up for the week?" I asked him and he shrugged. Freddie's mother, Briana is much nicer than Danielle. I wish my dad was with her instead.

Dad and Briana have 50/50 custody over Freddie, which is pretty cool. They have a week each.

I walked downstairs with Freddie on my hip and the doorbell rang.

It was Briana so Freddie ran up and fetched his bags. Dad and Danielle came to the front door and Dad talked to her about parent stuff while Danielle clung to him like a lost puppy.

One Direction Preferences/One ShotsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon