II. Our Lady of Sorrows

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Without Further ado, I give you... Chapter 2!!!!

Chapter Two

Trust, you said

Who put the words in your head

Oh how wrong we were to think

That immortality meant never dying

~Our Lady of Sorrows

When I woke up the next morning, I knew I was dead. No, not really. But in a metaphorical sense. And no, I'm not going to say a bunch of sappy stuff like 'I feel dead because without Will, I lost my reason to live.' The real reason is simple: I was so caught up in my excitement for my date (and then my anguish afterward), that I had forgotten to update Jamia on my date -and well, breakup- like I promised. Who is Jamia you ask? Jamia is the most wonderful, awesome, fun, person in this entire universe, and my best friend.

We always update each other on our dates, and I forgot to tell her about the most important one of all! Okay, so you're probably wondering why I didn't just text her everything just then, but I couldn't. It would make her mad. She's a very emotional and impatient person. She doesn't like to be forgotten, left out, or updated at the last minute. So I decided that we were going to have a Girls' Day Out to make up for it.

I decided against calling her and asking her if she wanted to hang out, she would just yell at me over the phone, and being in the distressed state that I was in, I just couldn't take it. But I knew that hanging out with Jamia would make me feel better.

So, I hopped out of bed and made a beeline for the shower (I had this weird idea, that if I ran to the shower, there would be more hot water, but that's not true). I slipped on some dark jeans, a comfortable black top, and a leather vest, with some neon socks and combat boots. I always dressed more punk when I was unhappy, for some odd reason. I didn't even bother with makeup, I didn't want to risk it running again (it's annoying to clean off in the shower when you don't have a mirror handy), since I had a feeling that I might be crying again soon, but I did comb my hair and pull it into a pretty side ponytail, finger-curled tendrils lining the sides of my face. I decided that I looked decent, and headed downstairs where I could get a quick bite to eat.

"Good morning."

"Good morning Mom," I said fondly walking over to give her a kiss on the cheek. "Is that waffles I smell?" I asked jokingly.

"Why yes, of course. I could tell you were a little down in the dumps so I made your favorite breakfast."

That surprised me. "How did you know?"

"A number of reasons. One being the fact that my Mother senses were tingling," she said. I laughed at that one. "Then, you didn't even say goodnight to me last night, and I could hear you crying. Then also, look at you. You don't dress like this unless you're really unhappy. But anyways, if you really want to dress like that, I have some wallet chains in my top drawer from my darker days that you can attach to your pants, and you could probably use some eyeliner-"

"Mom... I'm fine."

"Uh huh. Well, whenever you're ready to talk, I'm here."

"I'll keep that in mind."

I really wouldn't though. She didn't really understand relationships well (or give good advice). Her own relationship with my dad ended in divorce and she had been dating all the loser men of the world ever since. Plus, I didn't want her to know about my breakup, she never liked him in the first place- she said she got bad 'vibes' from him- and she would just have herself a happy 'I told you so' moment, and I wasn't prepared for that yet. I doubted I'd be prepared for that ever. And just the thought of him- No, I told myself. I'm gonna stay strong and keep going on with my life. With or without Will. You know, he's just extremely attractive and caring and smart, and.... Ugh, I'm whipped.

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