Never Have I Ever (prt.2)

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When we walked into the coffee shop there was this cute old couple behind the counter. Dimitri grabbed my hand and pulled me towards a table. One of the old men came up to us "What would a wonderful young lady like you want to drink" he said with the warmest smile. "Smore frappé pls with extra fudge sauce" "and for you sir" he looked at Dimitri "just a black coffee pls" Dimitri smiled at the old man and looked at me with a small smile. "What?!" I asked "Let's play a game, never have I ever" omg this is so stupid and cheesy. "Sure. But I go first" he laughed "ok" "ok never have I ever kissed a person of the same sex" "well" he said. his cheeks were turning pink "OMG YOU HAVE" I was laughing at this point " I was drunk and I didn't know it was a boy" he said but I was still laughing "it's not funny" he mumbled under his breath and then I fell on the floor " you bitch! did you just push me off my chair" now the old couple, Brad and Owen were laughing at me then Owen came over to me " are you ok?" he asked with some concern in his voice. "Yeah I'm fine" then I remembered that we haven't got our drinks" can I get my drink to go pls" I asked in the nicest voice I could make at the moment. "honey don't leave your boyfriend here then we have to kick him out" then Dimitri looked at me with a smile "he is not my boyfriend he is a creepy ass shit hole mixed with a man hoe" they all started to laugh so I stomped outside and started to walked back to the school I could feel someone watching me. I looked around and saw Dimitris black Lamborghini following me. He started to speed up and splashed me with dirty mud water on the road. "What the fuck. I'm going to kill you Dimitri" he rolled down his window, "well I don't think that you can race a car with those tiny little legs you got there." he said. So I ran over to his car and kicked it as hard as I could, it made a big dent "ha not so tiny now" I said and stuck out my tongue at him and started walking again, good thing I wasn't wearing white, actually I was wearing my black tank top, black jean shorts and a army jacket. When I got back to school I saw Beck and asked her to give me a ride. "Why the fuck did you leave me alone at school you shit head" she yelled at me once we got in to her blue BMW.

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