Chapter Three

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Sans' P.o.v.

The rest of recess was spent playing like nothing even happened. I didn't want to let Bro out of my sight after what happened though, so when it ended, I asked Bro what he was doing for the rest of the day, while I hugged him to my chest and we made our way back the slowest, with Undyne and Alphys trailing next to us.

"WELL, THE GREAT PAPYRUS USUALLY TAKES A NAP THE REST OF THE DAY, BEFORE GOING TO ART AS WELL AS YOU FOR THE LAST PART BEFORE ACTIVITIES AFTER SCHOOL. WHY DO YOU ASK BROTHER?" He explained, and I hugged him a little closer as we got closer to the building where I'd have to let go of him, but no way am I doing that.

"say bro, wanna nap in my class with me? i don't nap, but i'm sure you can. sound good?" I asked, and he nodded enthusiastically. Undyne and Alphys shared a look, nodded at me, and then, before the teacher turned to me, Alphys shoved Undyne. The teacher hurried to break it up, allowing me to slip past him.

We got to class with the occasional weird look from my bullies or group of people who called me names or just the older kids my age in general, but I didn't care and pap didn't notice. Once I sat down with a half asleep pap in my lap and class started and the teacher noticed however, she tapped me on the shoulder.

"Sans sweetie, you have to let your brother go to class to nap okay? I'm sure the teacher is wondering where he is." She said. Pap was out of it, so I just Let my eye sockets empty, which startled her, before I spoke.

"miss, with all due respect, my brother nearly died today when I wasn't there. I'm not letting him out of my sight again." I said, the last part had more conviction to it, and she just nodded and started teaching, after calling down to PAP's class of course. The rest of today was spent with Social studies and Science, my favorite subject. Pap woke up when Science started, and looked up at me.

"pap, you gotta be quiet until art time comes around okay bro? or else the teacher might make you go back to your class, any questions just whisper them to me like I taught ya okay bro?" I told him, and he nodded.

I had no problem explaining to him all the science stuff, and I put it in words he understands, and this was amazing. Repile kid sits next to me, and we both got stumped on a problem on the worksheet. For me it was a first, and for him it was easily more than the tenth time he'd gotten stumped. I worked through it, and explained it under my breath to Pap. When Reptile kid realized I had it done, he pushed my shoulder to get my attention, also getting Bro's.

"Yo, you know how to work this problem, help me out or else." He hissed to me. I was about to explain it, when Pap looked at it and took over for me.

"THAT ONE IS EASY! SEE, JUST IMAGINE THE ATOMS HERE AS BEST FRIENDS, AND THIS ONE TO THE SIDE WANTS TO JOIN THEIR GROUP, BUT THIS FEILD THINGY IS KEEPING THEM APART, BUT THATS A MINOR PROBLEM, FOR YOU SEE THIS LONELY ATOM JUST HAS TO..." And pap explained the whole thing perfectly, even getting the right answer at the end. He explained it the way I explained it to him, and oh my god was I ever so proud of him.

He'd commanded the whole classes attention too, and soon it was Reptile Kids turn to get embarrassed that a preschooler could solve a problem and he couldn't. Soon after that, as everyone just stared at us, it was time to go to Art.

We lined up, Pap finally wanting to walk so I set him down but held his hand tightly. I got my art stuff, and Bro's since it was left in my bag, and off we went. We each were told, once we got there, by the teacher to paint a portrait of the one we loved the most. It could be two people, three at maximum, and we were given paint sets to get started. Pap was told to sketch stuff, he wasn't at paint level yet, and he just sat behind me as I painted it.

In the end, it was a portrait of Daddy and Pap, Pap waving enthusiastically with a big smile on his face, wearing his favorite scarf and boots, and his little armor that he wore at home when he could, in Daddy's arms as Daddy smiled softly back, in his lab coat and turtle neck and pants and shoes. I even made the small cracks that Daddy has above his one eye and below the other he's told us not to worry about.

I stepped back to admire it, and Pal looked around me. I then painted the words clear as day in the top corner. It read:

'My Daddy and the coolest brother in the world, the only two people I will ever risk my life for.'

I smiled and looked down at Pap, who started to tear up?! I dropped my paint brush and turned to him, picking him up .

"p-pap what's wrong? why are you crying?" I asked him, and he just threw his arms around me. By this point people were staring at us but I didn't care.

"YOUR THE COOLEST BROTHER EVER, NOT ME, I'D RISK MY LIFE FOR YOU ANY DAY!" He said, and I shushed him, petting his skull to soothe him.

"hey, hey bro I don't doubt that you would okay? and to me you are by far the coolest. I can't very well see myself as the coolest bro ever, i'm not my own bro okay? just calm down." I said, and that seemed to calm him down quickly. He soon pulled back and wiped his tears, and gave me that dazzling smile of his, and I gave one back.

I gave the painting to the teacher, and bro handed in his sketch, which was basically the same as mine but in sketch form and I was in there, in front of Daddy and him, and his caption, that one read:


I smiled at Him, now my turn to be close to tears, and just hugged him close. We were soon sent back to get our stuff, and first we got mine, then went to get his, and we met up with Undyne and Alphys. I had messaged Daddy that I would be staying after with Pap today so he doesn't worry, and soon we went to the cafeteria for.......

Chess club? Oh boy, this was sure to be interesting.

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