First Day (in class)

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After a chaotic jung triples moment, they safely arrived at their class.
Taekwoon class,
Taek open the door and find empty place to sit. He got another 30 minutes before class start, he classmate so busy to getting know each other, meanwhile taek ( put earphones in his ear and try to get some sleep before class start..) . But suddenly.
Cha haekyeon: annyeong!! ^_^
Taek: continue shut his eyes.( oh jebal! Leave me alone).
Cha haekyeon: hurmm.. ANNYEONG!!( with more loud volume )
Taek: sigh! -_-! (Open his eyes and stare at cha haekyeon.).
Cha haekyeon: annyeong cha haekyeon imnidha 😊 what your name.. how old are u? I am 20 y/o.😃
Taek:..... (here come another taekyeon -_-!)
cha haekyeon: u can't talk?
Taek: .... get lost!...
Cha haekyeon: 😨 wth ! Omo omo omo ! How could u talk like that.. how old are u?? Huh!
Taek: sigh... I am jung taekwoon, 20 y/o.. got it?! Now get lost. 😒..
Cha haekyeon: oo so u' are taekwoon? U same age with me.. when your birthday??
Taek: .. (just get lost -_-!.)
Cha haekyeon: why u not answer my question?? Huh huh huh huh!?
Taek: aish! Jinjja!! Glare at cha haekyeon, it's 10 Nov!! Enough?! ..
Cha haekyeon: aishh this little rude boy! ( give taek a slice neck punishment ) what a rude attitude! I am your hyung!! My birthday 30 June OK! Behave!
Taek: (he just flustered with cha haekyeon guy who just slice his neck .. 😮😮😮.. )wth! .. ( he just want start the arguement with cha haekyeon guy but the lecture enter the class in right time.. and in same time save cha haekyeon from getting kill by Almighty jung taekwoon ).
Cha haekyeon: btw now u and me a friend ok! Since u don't have any chingu and i want to be your friend.OK ? Deal? Huh?
Taek: absolutely no!
Cha haekyeon: Deng! no is invalid answer ^_^... now let's focus.. (with smile face).
Taek: rolled his eyes and sigh. ( it will be a long day -_-!)
Taekyeon class,
Taekyeon just arrive in his class.
Yeon: waa ..such a nice big, and nice. :)..( talking with himself )
While yeon sit and admire his class, jaehwan guy approach him.
Jaehwan: annyeong ^_^
Yeon: huh? Oh! Annyeong! ^_^
Jaehwan: u this course student right? I am jaehwan-imnidha, Lee jaehwan.
Yeon: yes yes I am, my name jung Taekyeon nice to know u:) , come sit here with me. We can be a friend ^_^...
Jaehwan: oh sure ^_^... hurm are u the jung haekyeon who win the first place on Korea youth dance festival?
Yeon: ^_^ hurmm I guess yes?.
yeon: wae wae wae?? ( in panic voice).
Jaehwan:Want to shake hand with yeon. I really really your big fan! I really adore your blind dance. (Fanboy mood on!)
Yeon: ooo ( flustered ) .. hihi jinjja? ( suddenly felt shy with jaehwan compliment ) aish me not an idol to have fan.. stop joking (with ajumma voice).
Jaehwan: ani ani .. this is serious. I am your fan. Why u don't believe me?? Believe me ( in ajumma voice)..
Yeon: o_o......... I like your ajumma voice.. !! Waaa I just meet my heaven friend, waa ! Chinguu yahh where u been? Huh? Just meet me today (in dramatic voice and act) ..
Jaehwan: (also In dramatic voice and act) , I'm searching u all over world, from west to east, daejun to changwon, from my house to howon university, now I found u! Ooohh chingguu I miss u! .. don't ever leave me again huh? Huh? Promise? Pinky promise??
Yeon: miss u too! aigoo aigoo don't worry I will never u my chingu, pinky promise.. klik ( still in his dramatic mood).
Meanwhile the other students stare at them like they an stupid and crazy person (hahaha)
Yeon:hahaha ooogossh we need to stop. The other will think we crazy or stupid XD jaehwan: hahaha yeahh .. but it true I am your fan..
Yeon: ^_^ thanks: ).
After a while their lecture arrive and they start the class.
Meanwhile in haewoon class,
Woon: this is a right class right? ( talking to himself ).
The atmosphere in woon class is totally different with taekyeon class,
Woon class so boring.. in the fact business major right.but.. half of the students is girl, woon is the most popular in girl within the triples ,
Ravi: annyeong 👋 .
Woon: oh annyeong.
Ravi: I think I just meet u at law major. How come u here? Are u lost or something? (Ravi is cha haekyeon cousin ).
Woon:.... (confused.. then the reality hit him), oh thats my hyung!
Ravi: oo really?? Wauu both of u twin? U really look alike O_o.
Woon: not twin but triples ^_^
Ravi: triples?
Woon: yup, my second hyung in musical major , he also look like me .. just our hair cut,fashion and character are different.
Ravi: holy shit! I never see or meet the triple look so same!
Woon: now u meet it.. 😃 BTW I am jung haewoon the youngest within the triples.
Ravi: I am Ravi, Kim wooshik. BTW are take this course in your own will??
Woon: oh no no .. I just follow my appa suggestion. Because I basically don't have an idea what I want study but I have a dream .. car racer ^_^...
Ravi: oooo waauuu car racer? Such a good and nice dream,. I also like u.. I just have an interest in music but my omma want me to take over her company. So here I am.
While they randomly talk with each other, the group of girl in fangirl mood. One of them try approach them.
Girl: annyeong 👋
Woon: annyeong. Can I help u?( woon is can be sweet like taekyeon or cold like taekwoon.. )
Girl: my friend there say u are hot. Can I have your number ?
Ravi: was girls today. No shame!
Girl: do I talk with u?
Ravi: rolled his eye in annoying way. Woon: hurm I have a number, and I really want to give to u, but see u act so rude towards my friend.. hurmm I think u and your friends not my style. So please. (With' polite 'way he husssh the girl).
Girl: uh? Wth !? Walk away.
Yes, haewoon loyalty is no joke even he just meet Ravi . Also he really hate rude girl,the result omma jung, appa jung and also his hyung discipline
attitude. He can Be popular because his sweet , sassy attitude or rude and cold attitude. it depends on the person tough .
After a whole day they busy with their class in the end of day the triple meet each other again.
Yeon: hyung! Taek hyung! I miss u!!
(Before yeon can give taek a kiss taek already push yeon ) -_- ! .. don't u miss me? Huh!?
Taek: I'm tired please don't start it. I miss u. Just don't kiss me! People will think we crazy OK! ( so when taek tired he in angry, nagging mood).also where haewoon? We promise to meet here right?But where he?? So call him.. pali pali..
Yeon: omo.. (taek hyung not in he ' usual mood' ) ... dae .. arrasseo. Wait a minute . ( yeon call woon) .. yahh where the hell u?? Come to the car pali! Taek hyung not in his usual mood!. Pali!
Woon: (I'm dead!) Arrasseo!
Woon maybe don't take any order firm other but he really love Nd respect his hyung. When they 4 y/o taek and yeon got punishment because they don't finish their food so jung appa scold and punish taek And yeon but in the end woon also got the punishment because he can't stand to watch his twin hyung get scold and punishment.such a sweet maknae.
Woon : arrive at car... mian mian I don't realize it already 5pm.
Yeon: it's OK gaja! Lets go home.
Taek:.............. ( start driving )
Home sweet home waiting them.

P/s: hai my reader.. 👋👋👋👋 annyeong! Thanks to read my story hope u all like it. For those who don't like it I'm sorry I tried my best to make this story interesting .for those like it. Thanks again and again.. hope u can left comments so I can improve my writing skill. 😃

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