not easy task

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Jungappa :yeon how your arms?  We need to check it up tomorrow .
Yeon: ( already terrified)..  Umm appa..  Can I just go by myself?
Jungappa : why.? 
Yeon: ummm.. (Think a good reason)  I know appa and omma busy. I'm already 25 years old I can manage it by myself.
Jungappa: (thinking.) Humm it's true omma and appa need to attend a meeting tomorrow but we can postpone it.  Don't worry.
Yeon: (keep thinking another reason)  but appa you don't need to do that I'm a man now. Also I just break my arms not my leg  . I can go by myself. Really. ..( the true thing is, yeon is scared to go to hospital  ,he really hate it. He already make a plan to go to hospital after 6 month or more.according he personal knowledge that time his arms already heal and he just need to remove to cast in his arms.)
Meanwhile taek past by to drink.
Jungappa: taek. 
Taek: yes appa...
Jungappa: tomorrow you help yeon to check up his broken arms OK.
Yeon:(O. O)  APPA!!  no no no..  It's OK. I can go by myself..!
Jungappa: no!  Taek will go with you.
Taek: why me? Why not woon?
Jungappa : who the hyung here?  Woon or you?
Taek: me...
Jungappa: so act like hyung. And yeon no another excuse. Either you go with taek or me and your omma.  Choose.
Yeon: taek hyung!  I choose taek hyung.  ;) (at least I can make another excuse, yes!  I will think it latter).
Jungappa: OK. Taek make sure yeon had his medical check up.  If not your omma will badly mad. Remember that.  Now appa need to sleep.  Goodnight kids.
Taek/yeon: goodnight appa.
Taek: I will make u regret your decision. -_-!.
Yeon: whatever.. (Walk to his room with sassy way.)
Taek: (stare at yeon,  if stare can kill person, yeon already dead now XD).
Woon: oh taek hyung.  There you.
Taek : what now.?
Woon : wool.  Chill man,  I come with peace...  ^_^…
Taek : ......... -_-!.
Woon : OK OK.  Straight the point.  Can I borrow your card? 
Taek : for what?  Where yours?
Woon: umm... I need to buy something... Aish ! Just let me borrow it!..
Taek: (knock woon head)  aish? Don't be rude bastard and NO.  I will never let you touch my card again. Last time you borrow it,  you make me get scold from appa because the amout money you use. Use your own card!  (Walk to his room).
Woon: you are so mean hyung!!  T_T
Yeon: what's wrong with you baby?
Woon: don't baby me!
Yeon: OK.
Woon: 💡.. Hyung!  Yeon hyung... ( with sweet tone ever..)
Yeon: what you Want?  You only call me hyung when you want something or with omma appa  .. 😎
Woon : aish hyung.  You know, you always my favorite hyung..
Yeon: no..  It taek hyung.
Woon : now it's you. 😊
Yeon: spill it! Don't play with my heart! 
Woon : lend me your card please..
Yeon: No!  ( walks away)
Woon: both of you is jerk!!!  Both of you not my favorite hyung!!  I hate both of you  !!! Aishhh!! 
Taek / yeon: shut up stupid! 
The reason teak and yeon don't want lend their card to woon is because woon will use it with a big amount of money and jungappa will scolded the owner of card  .the triple get their own card credit and their card is black card. ( unlimited card). 
But jungappa don't like it when the triple waste money. Even tough he affordable. He want the triple live with ordinary ways,  that's why jungappa make the triple live by themselve so they can learn how to become independent.
Next day. 3pm..
Taek: arhhh!!  3pm?? What the f**k!  Yeon!!  Why you don't wake me up ?
Yeon: I'm trying. But u say you are tired and sleepy, I'm being a good brothers let you sleep more 😉😊 .
Taek: 😒fuck it!  You just use me as excuse to avoid your medical check up right!? 
Yeon: aigoo.. Don't blame me with your fault  ..
Taek: (rage... )( get his phone .. Make an call to the doctor who in charge of Jung family.) Hello, hai uncle sunggyu taekwoon here, we are sorry we forgot the appointment can you set it back in this evening?.
Doctor sunggyu: yes, of course. Actually today I'm free , you can come now.
Taek: thanks uncle.
Doctor sunggyu is the best friend of jungappa from high school, so he know so well the triple attitude, thats why he make his day free just because yeon check up day.
Yeon:O.O....  (FUCK)....  hyung..   Can we talk a moment..  I have a deal.. Can we just not to go..  And I promise you I will leave you alone for 1week.
Taek:😒 get ready .
Yeon: 2 week!
Yeon: OK!  1 month!
Taek: ( what a great deal..  But if I get that deal I also get 'deal' from omma&appa)..  Great deal but NO!  Get ready ! Before I drag you whole way to there .
Yeon: don't want!!!  You know I scared!!  Please let this go this time!
Taek: oh man please don't start it!  Your a fucking 25y/o..  So act like 25 y/o.
Yeon: 25y/o also have a right to scare ! You bastard hyung!.
Taek: shut up!  Now lets go!! 
Yeon: omo.   Hyung sorry!  Mianhae.. Help me just this time OK..  Please...
Taek: (sigh..)  Yeon-ahh it just a medical check up, not an surgery things. So calm down. Let's go.
Yeon: but I'm fucking scared!!  (Already start cry,taek weakness, his triple tears .. (Such a good hyung.).
Taek: don't cry yeon-ahh..  OK. Let's make a deal. We go and do your medical check up, than after that we hang out. I will follow where ever you want to go or do for today  ..
Yeon: (thinking... Good deal!  ( yeon always love to hangout with taek, but for sure taek hate it) promise?
Taek: promise.
Yeon: with woon together ?
Taek: i try to ask him. After we finish the check up.
Yeon: ok. Deal!  But if it hurt you will hangout with me another day!  Lets go!
Taek: what??!! Aish..  I know i shouldn't make this deal.  😣😣.
In hospital,  doctor sunggyu room.
D/sunggyu: aigoo why so lates kids. ?
Taek: sorry uncle.  Deal with 5y/o kids it not easy.
Yeon: im not 5y/o kids.
D/sunggyu: oooo please don't start it here. Come yeon let me check your arms.
After a while.. Yeon finish up his medical check up..
D/sunggyu: OK. Finish..  Nothing serious. Just your arms broken. Next time be careful yeon-ahh.
Yeon: yes, uncle.
Taek: thanks uncle. Meet another month. 😊
D/sunggyu: OK..  Bye kids.  Be careful.
Taek/yeon: bye uncle..

In the end yeon got his medical check up and taek nerd to hangout with his triple.

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