Special Chapter for a Friend

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My friend @AmericaHazHamburger has really wanted me to do this so I will. This one's for you buddy!

(Name)'s POV

My parents were able to get the school board to recant their punishment on me so I wasn't stuck in detention and it wasn't going to be on my school record. While that was fine and good, (c/n) didn't get in trouble at all! That no good little....forget it. Some people just get to be above the rules, which really ticks me off. 

Anyway, during history class, just as we were getting into the 1800's, Mr. (h/t/n) got a call from the front office. He answered the phone and then looked at us. "Class, we will be having an exchange student join us," he announced. "So I expect you all to show the up most respect for them, understand?" 

"Yes sir," we all replied. We waited a minute or two for the new student to arrive. The girls in the class whispered to each other for a few minutes, hoping that the new student was a cute guy and the boys in class whispered to each other, hoping that the new student was a cute girl. I didn't get involved in the gossip. I just sat in my desk and waited for whatever was to happen next to happen. 

Soon, the door opened and someone walked inside. It was a young man with light reddish-blonde hair, green eyes, and eyebrows that were very similar to England's. He looked to be a little older than England but not by much. I could here Britain gasp when he saw the young man walk into the room. "Class this is Dylan," the teacher introduced. 

"S'mae," he greeted with a Welsh accent. "Pleasure to meet you all." 

I squinted a bit as I looked at him. There's no way this could be Wales. How was it even possible for him to be here? But then again, Britain had gasped when he saw him so that must mean he knew him, right? 

3rd Person's POV 

After class, France and America walked (Name) to her next class while Britain went over to talk to Wales. "What the heck are you doing here?!" he yelled at his slightly older brother. 

"I came here to make sure you were okay," Wales replied calmly. "After you and the others vanished Norway and Romania did a spell to send me here to find you guys to make sure you were alive." 

"Well we are, now how exactly are you going to get us back home? Hmm?" Britain questioned. 

Wales nervously laughed. "You see, uh, I don't exactly remember what they said about that part. So I'm gonna be here with you and the others for a while." 

Britain facepalmed. "Well this is just great." 

"By the way England, who was that girl with France and America?" 

"That was (Name). We've been staying with her for a while. Her little sister was the one who came to our world." 

"You mean that girl was the older sister of the little girl you turned into a cat? Well I must say that (Name) was quite a harddwch (beauty)." 

Later that day, Wales tried making his over to (Name) to talk to her. When he did, other kids would come over to him and ask him where he was from. When he told them he was from Wales they laughed at him. 

"Did you hear that? He's from Whales!" One kid laughed. 

"You probably know Willy don't you?" another one laughed. 

"Now guys, let's not be mean. He met sick Shamu on us!" a third one joked. 

Wales growled out of anger and then went for his bag. He opened it and out of it came a little red dragon. It flew right in front of Wales and the kids all looked freaked. "Sick 'em boy!" Wales yelled. 

The little dragon roared and chased the kids out to the courtyard. Wales chuckled and then called for his little pet to come back to him. 

"You did a good job. You'll get an extra treat when we get home," Wales told his pet dragon, making sure to give him a good scratch underneath his chin before opening up his bag to let his pet hide back inside it. 

(Name)'s POV 

"So that boy is your brother?" I asked England at lunch. 

"Yes," England moaned. 

"You don't seem too happy to see him," I pointed out. 

"'is older brothers were not particularly nice to 'im when 'e was younger," France explained.

I completely forgot about that. I forgot that Britain's older brothers were pretty mean to him when he was a little kid. 

"Well we gotta let him stay with us," I said. "It'd be better for everyone if he was with us when you guys finally figured out how to get home." 

Britain groaned. The last thing he wanted was one of his older brothers with him. "Fine," he huffed. "But I don't like it." 

"I'll go talk to him." 

I made my way over to Wales, who was currently reading a book on his country in the library. I sat down in the seat across from him and got out one of my own books. I peaked above the pages and then smiled at Wales. "You know, that looks like a pretty interesting book," I told him. 

"You ever been to Wales?" he asked me. 

"No. Is it nice there?" 

"Oh it's a pretty cool place, if I do say so myself." 

I giggled. "I'm (Name)." 

"Pleasure to meet you (Name)," Wales then kissed my hand. "You sure are pretty." 

I giggled again. "Well aren't you just a gentleman? Anyway, how do you feel about staying with us?" 

"Sounds fine with me." 

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