Chapter 10

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{Harry's P.O.V}

I woke up in a different room then normal, I was in Louis' room. I was actually holding Louis, my arm was behind his head and our legs were entangled. His arm was effortlessly laid across my stomach and his head was in the crook of my neck and shoulder. I've come to the conclusion that Louis really does mean something to me. I'm not sure what that is quite yet, but every time I am near him, I get really nervous and bubbly inside.

I think I'm falling…


{Louis' P.O.V}

I woke up still wrapped in Harry's arms. This actually used to happen all the time, but it hasn't happened in a long time. Actually it hasn't since I told him how I felt about him. Ever since I told him about that, our whole friendship was kind of out of whack… I hope we can just go back to normal soon.

"Morning" Harry said in a low raspy morning voice.

My heart melted by just the sound of him. He truly was heavenly.

Before I could say anything, he kissed me. Just a slow peck, but it still meant something. 

"Morning." I managed to say while I couldn't stop smiling. 

"I'm gonna go take a shower okay, Boo? I won't be long. Why don't you go make yourself some tea." He said with a huge grin.

I nodded and got out of bed and put on some sweat pants and one of Harry's jumpers. It was really big and I loved wearing his clothes. They smelt so good and they were a lot more comfy than mine.

As I went to go make tea, it occurred to me that Harry was being extremely nice this morning. I wasn't really complaining, but I was more just curious. Him being nice made me forget about Lottie and her accident. 

I sat down at the counter with my tea and I began to think more into the accident. I started to have a mini panic attack thinking about what might have happened to her. I would call my mom, but I threw my phone at the wall last night and there were only small remains left. I decided that I would just ask Harry if I could use his, he wouldn't have a problem with that.

I was taken out of my thought when I heard a knock at the door. I get up and open it when Niall comes barging in!

"GOOD MORNINGGGGG!!!!" He screams at the top of his lungs.

Slowly after Liam and Zayn come waltzing through the door.

"Hey" they both say simultaneously.

"Harry's in the shower, you guys want some tea?" I ask them all.

Niall was already eating crisps at the counter and Liam and Zayn were sitting next to him.

"Nah I'm good"

"No thanks"

"Nope." they all say at the same time.

After 5 minutes of silence, Harry comes back down in jeans and a white t-shirt. I love it when he wears that, its so casual, but so sexy.

"Hey guys!" He says with a smile.

They all answer with hey and Harry comes over and pulls me out of my chair and sits down to pull me back into his lap. I picked up my tea so no one would see my gigantic smile as this happened. All three of them looked at us like we both had 5 heads, but they just went on with their normal lives.

"I missed you." Harry whispers in my ear slightly nibbling it.

I turn to look at him and he gives me a cheeky grin. I couldn't help but let out a whimper that I hoped no one else could hear. I quickly turned back to every one else, thankfully they didn't hear it.

"Do they know?" Harry asked me, out loud this time.

"Know what?" Liam asked worried. Pulling a daddy direction.

"Um… Well Lottie was in an accident…" I say looking down into my cup of tea that was now ice cold.

"WHAT?!" They all say with a surprised look.

"What happened?" Zayn asked.

"I don't know, she's in a coma though… Which reminded me, can I borrow your phone to call mum? I threw mine at the wall yesterday." I say asking Harry and motioning to the wall that had a phone next to it on the floor.

"Yeah sure." He said taking it out of his pocket.

I got up to go call my mum.

{Harry's P.O.V.}

"Guys I gotta tell you something." I say looking at Niall, Zayn, and Liam.

"Whats up?" Niall asked.

"Well Zayn you remember how I told you about the whole Louis thing?"


"Louis told me about that too." Liam chimed in.

"What is going on?" Niall asked throwing his hands in the air.

"Well Louis told me that he loved me." I say then I continue on to tell him the whole story. "but now… well last night we had like a moment. He told me about Lottie, and I was there to comfort him and then we kissed and I sang him Kiss Me by Ed and then next thing I knew we woke up together. We didn't do anything, we were just together… I think I'm starting to feel something guys… I don't know what it is but I feel all bubbly when I'm around him." I say ending with a smile that I didn't even know I had on my face.

"Well, I definitely knew something was up when you guys sat like that… But whatever makes you guys happy, I'm all for it. You guys would be cute together." Niall chimes with glee.

"Yeah, but I don't know if he would actually date me. I mean, what if things get fucked up and we break up and then the band would be like weird… Things would get so awkward…" I say slowing down at the end thinking about me actually losing things with Louis.

Before anyone could say anything, Louis comes back in crying.

I jump up and go and hug him without even asking him what happened. He hugs back and starts sobbing hard than before. I rub his back and just shh him. 

"Come on." I say leading him to the couch. I sit down and pull him next to me, never letting go of his hand, which our fingers were intertwined.

"Lottie… She's gone."

{Chapter 10 guysss<3333}

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