Chapter 6

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{Harry's P.O.V.}

"You don't hate me?" I was more than positive that Louis would never want to speak to me again, after all I lied to his face and he even yelled at me. I wouldn't be surprised if he walked out the door and I never saw him again. I was petrified that I was gonna lose him, thats why I lied in the first place, I need him in my life no matter how hard it takes and no matter what I have to go through.

"Right now I do, but I actually meant what I said. I do love you so I'm always gonna be here for you. But you really fucked up Harry. It's gonna take some time to forget about this." He says then begins to rub my back.

I was utterly shocked. I expected him to leave, he would leave and forget all about what happened. 

But I was thankful that he didn't, he was sticking by me through this and I was happy that I had someone like him to always be able to depend on. I decided that I needed to stop crying in front of Louis, so I take my sleeve and wipe away the tears that have begun to dry on my heated cheeks.

"Come on, I'll make you some tea." He says leading me to the kitchen.

I sit on the wooden round stool at the counter, I still didn't really know what to think about everything. I mean, my best friend just said that he loves me, not that he just started to feel this way, but that he always has. 

"Thank you." I whispered expecting him to not even hear me.

"Mhm." He answered back handing me a cup of tea.

You could literally hear the pissed in him little mhm. It tore me apart, I hurt him when that was the last thin I wanted to do.

"Do you want to know why I lied or are you too mad to even like talk to me?"

"I'm gonna go with the second one. I'm gonna go to bed, night." He said and walked away.

"Fuck." I mumbled to myself sipping the tea. I knew how bad I messed up. But what bothered me the most was the fact that I might lost the person I was closest too in my entire life.

{Louis' P.O.V.}

I tried to act nice, but I couldn't. I felt so betrayed, so…. I don't even know, I just know that I was pissed beyond belief. Harry straight up lied to my face. He told me he loved me when he knew pretty damn well that he didn't. He kissed me like he meant it but he didn't, he lead me on like it was gonna be something great, but he lied. HE FUCKING ASKED ME TO BE HIS BOYFRIEND! For crying out loud. How do you do that knowing that you don't mean one word of it? I just didn't understand.


{Louis' P.O.V.}

It was the next morning, I woke up at 6;57 and knew that I couldn't fall back asleep because my brain immediately thought to last night when Harry did that. I needed to get my mind off things so I got out of bed. I put on my usual clothes and left the house. No warning or nothing, I needed to get away. I definitely needed someone to talk to. Not sure who though… I came to the conclusion that Liam was the best person to go to. I dialed his number and after 3 rings he answered.


"Hey Liam did I wake you up?"

"Yeah, but what do you need?"

"I need to talk to someone, like now."

"Is everything alright?"

"No. Can I come to your flat?"

"Yeah, just come in once you get here."

"Okay." I say and hang up the phone.

I wasn't sure how Liam was gonna take something like this, but other than Harry, he is the one I always go to for immediate stuff like this.

{End of Chapter 6! Vote, Comment, Add, Follow, Do what you do<3

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