Chapter 4

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The sun shone through the window as I woke up, feeling confident. Today was my big day! I was going to start my education at Hogwarts! I immediately got dressed and ran downstairs. I already saw Mallory flipping eggs and pancakes in the kitchen. I sat down at the large table, and began tapping my feet. Mallory handed me my breakfast. "Goodness, Arin, calm down, and hurry up. The train leaves at 11 this morning, and it's already 9:30." "Ok!!", I happily exclaimed. As soon as I finished eating, I quickly gathered my things. Mallory and I took the floo network and ended up at King's Cross Station. As soon as we got there, we began walking, and we got to platform nine. But I really couldn't see platform nine and three quarters. Mallory and I were suddenly left confused. Where was it? But then I heard a familiar voice shouting. "But mom, seriously, do I really have to take all of these winter coats with me? You know I hate wearing these! And the scarf is itchy!!" I turned around. "Oh hey, Jason I didn't see you there." "Hey, Arin. Can you tell my stupid... Jason's mother turned to him and gave him a stern look. "Never mind",he said. "Well, are you going or not." "Yeah, I am, just where is platform nine and three quarters?" "Oh, it's right behind that wall, we just have to run through it. Come on, we'll go first, and then my mom and yours could go." So, we ran through the wall together and suddenly, a whole different platform materialized in front of us. Mallory and Jason's mom, which I learned that she was Olivia, had come through the platform a few seconds later. Jason and I  said our  goodbyes and boarded the train. We sat in an empty booth because all the others were full. The train left the station and Jason and I were sitting and talking. He bought some candy for us at the station, so we were eating that. A few minutes after the train just left, I heard bickering and familiar clobbering footsteps. Both of us turned to the window to see who it was. Well, it was nobody else than crazy little Jack Moorey and his two girlfriends. But this time, he was actually perched on the shoulders of those girls, and all of them made a triangular shape. Moorey was holding all their owls, and the two girls holding him looked like they were about to fall. They were all bickering, or at least Moorey was, I think he was demanding something. They were all about to walk past us when Moorey noticed us. "Cissy, Patty, stop. Guess who I see." All three of them turned their heads and looked at us. Then they just stood there, still in the crazy formation, staring at us as we talked. I really hoped Jason noticed because those creeps were creeping me out. He was telling me about this candy that he bought, when he noticed the weirdos outside the window. "Hey! What do idiots want?!", he shouted. Suddenly all of them fell backwards and onto the ground. As they gathered up their things, they opened the door and tumbled into our cabin. "So, Fortier, enjoying your time with your little girlfriend?", said Jack. "She's not my girlfriend! Seriously, when are you all going to stop pestering me?!" "NEVER!!!", said the girl with a scowl on her face. I think her name was Patty.  "The serpents will never stop. We're always watching, especially you and whoever she is.", said the second girl, I think that was the one that Jack addressed as Cissy. "Excuse me, but I have a name!", I shouted, immediately getting angry. Wait who were the serpents? "Allow us to properly introduce ourselves", said Jack. We turned to look at the short blonde boy with grey eyes. I remembered that Jason told me that all the girls liked him. I guess I could see why, but he looked like a real brat, so I wasn't going to think that he was cute or anything like that. The boy began talking. "I'm Jack Moorey. I'm really pampered, and I always get my ways. I come from a pureblood family, and so do these two. You should be scared, because once I'll learn some hexes, I'll be just like my grandparents. By the way, do  think I'm attractive? But you just have to, admit it, every girl does. Maybe it's because of my grey eyes and stunning hair? Because everyone just loves me. But I have to disappoint you, I only walk around with these two, so no other girls can have me. Because I'm just so attractive." "We all get the idea, Jack." Jason and I turned our heads to look at the girl standing on the left of Jack. She was the shortest of all three of them, and had the same hair color as Jack and the other girl. Except her eyes were turquoise, and her hair was a bit longer than the other girls. Her face looked creepy. Her eyes were so big that you could see the shape of her eye sockets. "I'm Narcissa Fengari. I'm one of Jack's closest friends, we knew each other since we were little. Don't start to think that I'm nice, just because I'm not as loud as these two, but I can put some poison lobsters into your bed at night so beware. So you two loud people should watch your backs." Narcissa then gave us a glare. "Yes." Jason and I turned to the other girl. "I'm Patricia Blackthorn. I'm also Jack's closest friend, and I was the one who came up with our name, the serpents. That is what we call ourselves, and like Cissy said, we will be watching your every move, because we don't like you. Hehehehe." She suppressed a maniacal giggle. "Serpents, out!!!", screamed Jack. Cissy then climbed onto Patty and Jack's shoulders and the three of them exited the compartment. "See, I told you, complete loonies they are.", said Jason.
Then both of heard another girl approaching. She knocked on our door. "Excuse me, but do you mind if I sit here, all the other cabins are full." "Sure", I said. "Here, I'll move my stuff so you can sit here." "Oh, thank you", she said. The girl seemed to be very shy. "I'm Arin Langardaix and this is Jason Fortier." "What's your name?" "Oh, um, I'm Eva Astoria." "Nice to meet you", both of us said. So we all talked and Eva was actually really nice. She was an artist, and she was also a dreamer. She also told us that she daydreams a lot, mostly about her wedding. She was also really imaginative, and I thought she was really cool. The train arrived at Hogwarts, and I left the train with my friends. Well, we kind of left last because "The Serpents" pushed their way out of the train while in triangle formation. But I was still excited, because this is what I've been waiting for.

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