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I woke up with my head pounding obviously caused by the amount of alcohol I drank last night. I let out a groan before I hoped in the shower and got ready for school. When I was ready I grabbed my keys and left. My mum and dad were never home they always had an "important meeting" to go to so I was mostly alone at home.

After 15min I arrived at school I parked my car and took my shades out not wanting to be confronted by anyone. I made my way to my first lesson I was already 10 minutes late but I didn't care at this point. But when I opened the door expecting to be yelled at by mrs. Smith but to my surprise she wasn't there yet so I sat down at my usual place and took out my phone. I started to hear mrs. Smith heels clicking on the floor which signalised that she was coming but when she opened the door it wasn't only her who came in, there was also a guy with her he had curly brown hair, a sharp jawline, soft and full lips and eyes so green you lose yourself staring at them because your so amazed by them. I would be lying if I said that I didn't find him atractive.

"Class this is your new student Harry"

He walked to my direction and sat next to me the smell of mint and cigarettes mixed with alcohol went up my nose. It reminded me of the old times which made me think of all the parties and trouble I made and all the shit I gave up all the cigarettes, all the drugs, all of the alcohol... well I clearly haven't given up that one yet...

"Are you okay?" Harry asked me breaking me out of my thoughts when I realised that I was staring at him.

"Despite the wonderfull smell that you give of, I'm fine thanks" I snapped at him and rolled my eyes.

"Oh am supposed to smell like a fucking bed of roses for miss wannabe punk. Besides that I was just asking since you were basically drooling over me"

I turned around not in the mood to talk to an cocky asshole anymore. When the bell rang I walked out trying to avoid another conversation with Harry. I got my books for my next lesson out when I saw the one and only Harry searching for his locker he stepped closer to me.

"What do you want?"

"To go to my locker maybe" he answered with an annoyed tone.

He opened the locker and started to put his books in there and also what else could it be cigarettes. I didn't realise I was staring at his pack of cigarettes until

"what one?" He said smirking at me.

I didn't really know how to answer but the bell rang saving me from this conversation.


After another 4 hours of staring at the clock waiting for the time to pass, it was lunch time. Because in the cafeteria there's only shitty food I tend to go outside and eat my own food.
I walk to my usual spot on the bench next to the river. I sat down and took a deep breath while looking at the river and how it reflects the light so beautifully. I took a bite of my turkey sandwich when I started to smell the familiar sent of smoke. I looked right and who could have guessed it Harry was there just smoking his cigarettes as I began to notice myself staring at him. He looked so relaxed as he inhaled the smoke like all of his worries had vanished.

"Always drooling over me." He smirked at me breaking me out of my thoughts.

"You wish."

"You sure about that cause you seemed very focused on my face."

"Yeah, I'm very sure." I said scoffing at him.
He reached for his back pocket and pulled out his pack of cigarettes

"want one?"

"I don't smoke."

"Whatever you say."

He finished his cigarette by throwing it to the ground and left.
I looked at my sandwich not in the mood to eat anymore so I wrapped it again and put it in my bag.
I stared at the river for a couple more minutes before making my way to the classrooms.


The lessons were boring as usual and I was finally ready to go home.
The last bell rang and I left immediately and went to the parking lot to drive home when I heard an anoying voice

"hey Violet the party last night was amazing you wanna come to the party on Friday night at Brad's?" Stacy the anoying school slut asked.

"Sure" I answered and left before she could speak any more.

I got in my car already done with this day and blasted some music to make this shitty day at least a bit better.

Ariving at home was like usual no parents no siblings just nothing living in a big house has it perks but it also has its flaws one being its emptiness there isn't even the love atmosphere sorounding the home no absolutely nothing.
I walked upstairs exhausted and laid on my bed trying to fall asleep.

I rewrote it and it's still shit

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