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"Hey babe" Brad came up to me and said "you're coming to my party tonight right?" He winked at me.

"Yeah" I responded him with my usual monotone voice. See me and Brad used to have a thing last year since we already knew each other since we were little. Our parents were good friends and we used to go to dinner at their house and vice versa. Brad's family was rich as hell so no wonder that my parents always wanted me to be with him, he was the perfect boyfriend in their eyes: rich, polite, good grades, popular and good looking. So eventually we were together but none of us were really into the relationship, he still flirted with others and I didn't really wanted to be with someone who isn't really that intreated in me so I decided to just end it. Sometimes in Parties we hook up sometimes but neither of us take it very serious.

"Well than see ya later" he said winking again at me. If I didn't knew him better I would have thought he had some kind of eye problem.

From far away I could see Harry talking to some Cheerleaders. It was honestly funny how they would jump on every guy that is new and try to get together with them.

Rolling my eyes I went into class. I sat down and started texting Kels when Harry asked me

"Since when are you into footballers like Brad"

"Since when do you care?"

"I don't. You just don't seem to be the type to like footballers like usually they're always cheerleaders or girls like Stacy"

"Well we've known each other since we were little of course we're gonna talk."

"The way he talked to you didn't seem really like you were 'just talking' like come on he looked at you like he was undressing you in his thoughts."

"We used to have a thing if that answers your question"

He wanted to say something but was interuptet by a very annoyed Mrs Smith who immediately started her lesson.

I didn't know if he was in all classes like that but he always looked so annoyed at everything in Mrs. Smith class. At lunch he seems a lot more chill - still anoying cocky but a lot more chill than here - he tend to actually talk to me and make stupid remarks. But as soon as mrs. Smith enters the class he turns emotionless with a hint of pissed. Even though he anoyes the shit out of me outside of class, I still prefer him like that than when he's like this he seemed like everything bad that has ever happened to him happend because of mrs. Smith.

The bell rang breaking me out of my thoughts.

"Don't forget to do the assignment that you have to turn in next week" Mrs. Smith shouted. I honestly doubt anyone actually paid attention to what she was talking since everyone was so focused on paking their stuff.


School was over so I walked to my car when I saw Brad leaning against my car and because I have to have my car to go home I just walked up to him.

"The party starts at 10. You coming right..." he came closer to me and wisperd in my ear with a raspy tone "cause I'm gonna be waiting for you" he started kissing my neck.

"Yeah I'll be there" I said and pushed him away and got into my car. He left anoyed and I could finally drive home.


Thankfully my parents weren't there so I didn't had to sneak out, I could just leave normally and go to the party.

I finished straightning my hair and put on some high waist jeans and a crop top before going out.

Brad's house wasn't that far away, it's was only a couple blocks so I decided to walk, the cold air hitting my face the streetlights were the only things illuminating the pavement and silence filling up the air.
I started to hear music playing signaling that the party already started.

I went inside and was greeted by the multiple drunk people. I went directly to the kitchen getting myself some vodka. I took a sip and the familiar burning taste went through my body.
I drank it all and poured more into my cup and went to the living room were every one was dancing and pressing their sweaty body's together or make out with each other. I looked around and every girl was wearing either a really short tight skirt or dress or something so low cut that their boobs almost fall out of it.
I walked to Jimmy the dj of the party and chatted a bit with him and danced a bit to the repetitive music before going to the basement were they usually played beer pong.

As soon as I went down a pair of hands wrapped around me pulling me closer.

"I knew you were gonna come" he wisperd in my ear and started to leave kissed along my neck.

"I always come to parties and you know that Brad." I laughed he acts as if I only go because of him like no you ain't that special.

I pushed him off and walked to the others who were really into their session of beer pong.

"Hey V, ready to play" Tyler shouted to me.

"Of course"

We drank, we laughed, we failed the cups, we hit the ball in the cup, we acuse each other of cheating we just had an overall great time till I heard Cassie - a friend of Stacy

"Hey Harry wanna play" she asked him while making sure to push her boobs out.

"Why not" he shrugged and went over to the table.

"You're going to be in our team" Cassie explained "you know how to play right?"

"Who do you think I am to not know how to play beer pong"

He turned to my direction as he realised that I was here, he didn't say anything he just stared at me and I looked at his deep green eyes.

"Let's do this" Tyler said and we started playing. Harry and I never broke eye contact the whole time but nobody noticed.

We played for what feels like forever till I became completely dizzy from the alcohol.

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