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I woke up to my heart racing with sweat all over me. This happens to me quite often me waking up to this since I tend to have nightmares quite often. I looked at the clock 4.50 since I already knew that I wouldn't be able to fall asleep I decided to take a shower my parents weren't there anyway. I put my hair up in a bun since I couldn't be bothered to do anything I did my regular makeup and went downstairs to make some breakfast eggs and bacon. Today was Thursday meanig I had mrs styles in 3rd period which meant that I had to deal with Harry again. I don't know what it is but I can't get him and his green eyes out of my mind there is something so captivating about him.
I snapped out of my thoughts and realised I had 5 min till I have to go so I put on a pair of ripped boyfriend jeans and a band tee and made my way out.

For once I was early to class so I walked to my locker were I saw Harry he wore a white v-neck showing a tattoo that he had which I couldn't figure out what it was so I walked to my locker acting like I wasn't just staring at him and got my books.

"Aww wannabe punk can't afford some new jeans" I heard a familiar voice from behind.

"One: my name isn't 'wannabe punk' and two: you're not funny" I answered clearly annoyed by his stupid remark.

He opened his mouth wanting to say something but he was interuptet by the bell.

"Bye" I said walking away heading to class.

As time passes I thought about Harry like why did he decided to transfer to this school no he had to go to my school. It's not like there aren't any other better schools cause I know for a fact that this is a shitty school. Plus why is he always were I am?

"Alright class the lesson is over."

I got my stuff and walked to my next class when I was gently slammed to the wall. I looked up and Harry was hovering over me.

"You know what wannabe punk?" I could feel his warm breath hitting on my face and then is when I realize how close we were.
"I never got to know your name."

My body felt paralysed and sparks went through my body.

"Violet." I managed to get out.

"That's one beautiful name." He said in a deep raspy voice suddenly even closer to me.

I heard a clicking sound of heels and Harry backed away from me going in the classroom where I followed him.
Mrs. Smith came in and started her boring ass lesson. I couldn't stop thinking about what happened back there like how close our bodys were we were that kinda close where you expect them to kiss. Why couldn't he just normally ask? No he had to slam me on a wall and almost kiss me??
I looked to Harry and he was rolling up his sleves exposing the tattoo that he had.

"You got a tattoo?"

"A bunch actually."

"Isn't that illegal like how do get someone to do that or did your parents give you permission?" I always wanted tattoos but my parents would never allow me that.

"My mum? As if." He said like it could never in a million years happen
"I know a dude who does all of my tattoos without permission and all that shit."

"What's this dude name?" I asked really curious about it since I desperately wanted one.

"Violet, Harry please be quite." Mrs. Smith said while sending us a death glare which Harry returned.

The rest of the class we spend in silence till it was over. I didn't know why but there was a lot of tension between Harry and Mrs. Smith even though he was only in this school for 4 days.

I didn't see Harry the rest of the school day not even at lunch were I was expecting to be seeing him smoking his usual pack of cigarettes. But nope not even there I saw him.

I walked to my car when I saw him leaning on a range rower talking to Stacy. Of course she would talk to him he was atractiv as hell. Not gonna lie a pang of jealousy went through my body. I didn't even like Harry so why do I care? I saw Stacy turning around to walk to me but I quickly got inside my car and drove away not wanting to hear her annoying voice say how hot Harry was and how much she wants to make out with him.

I arrived at home seeing my dad on the couch which was unusual since he was always gone along with my mom.

"How was school?" He asked me in a oddly happy tone.

"Like always" I answered throwing my bag into the ground and I walked to the kitchen getting an apple.
I walked upstairs not bothered to ask why my dad was here so early so I just decided to do some work and go to bed.

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