Chapter 2

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:P Yay! I hope you all like this!


I walked to school with Ty and Jason. I finally got some sleep, for once. The chickens keep me up all night long. "So, what do you want to do tomorrow?" I asked. Tomorrow is Saturday; no school. "I dunno." Ty said, shrugging. Suddenly, a carraige drove by us. We stared at it as it stopped right next to us. A knight opened the window. "Are you Sky?" he asked. I nodded. "The king wants to see you." he stated. "M-me?" I asked, bewildered. he nods. "Can I bring my friends?" I asked. He thinks for a minute, then says, "Oh, alright.". The knight opens the door and we go in.

The carraige stops in front of the castle. My jaw drops as I see the majestic butter walls towering above us. The knight caught me staring. "Um, Sky? Are you alright?" he asked. "Oh, yeah. I was just admiring the butter." I said. "Butter?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. I nodded happily and he muttered something under his breath.

The knight led us to a huge room. King Eric was looking out the window. He turned and smiled. "Hello Sky. I see you brought your friends." he said. "Hello, your majesty." we said, bowing. "I suppose you're wondering why you're here." he said. I nod and he continues. "I'm getting old, and it's time to choose the next king. Normally a rich child would be chosen, but I see the goodness in you, Sky. People put you down and you always come through." he said. My jaw dropped. "Are you saying... what I think you're saying?!" I asked. he nodded. "Sky. You've been chosen as the new king.".

I smiled and high-fived my friends. "You will give your speech tomorrow. And from now until the day I die, you shall be known as Prince Sky!" Eric said.

"Tell him about the squids." Ty whispered. I nodded. "Umm, King Eric. I've discovered that I have the ability to understand squids." I said. He nodded, completely unfazed. I continued. "And I heard this one squid say that squids will take over the kingdom!" I finished.

"Hmm. I see. I'll tell the knights to hunt down and kill any squids in the area. You can pass the law to outlaw squids in the kingdom." he said. "Wait, you actually believe us?!" Jason asked. "Yes. I have a similar ability. Except I can understand dogs." Eric said calmly.

"So, should I take you to school?" Eric asked. "But we're late!" Ty whined. "Ms. Lanner would kill us!" I added. "I have a feeling your teacher wouldn't mind you being late today..." Eric said, smirking.


"WHY ARE YOU LATE?!" Ms. Lanner screamed. "We had a meeting with King Eric!" Ty confessed proudly. A few kids snickered. "Yeah?! You really expect me to believe that?!" she yelled. "It's the truth!" I said. She was furious. "STAND HERE AND LET ME GIVE YOU YOUR PUNISHMENT!!! ALL THREE OF YOU!!!" she screamed. Dang, she really needs to calm down.

Eric walked through the door, as planned. "I don't appreciate you yelling at our new prince." he stated formally. Everyone gasped and Ms. Lanner bowed. "I-I'm s-so sorry K-King Eric!" she said fearfully. "You'd better be." he said menicingly. She whimpered and Eric turned to me.

"Come back to the caslte after school. You can bring your friends." Eric said. Then he left. We sat in our desks and everyone stared at us. Ms. Lanner started the lesson.

After school, we went to the castle as intructed. "Name?" a guard asked. I gulped. What if he doesn't recognize me? "Sky." I said shyly. "Prince Sky?" he asked. I nodded and he smiled. "Right this way." he said, leading me into the castle. Another guard took his place as we walked through the doors.


{A/N} Woo! This was nice. I think it went well.

If you liked it, check out my profile for more SkyDoesMinecraft and some Herobrine stories! And if you like those, please feel free to join the Rainbow Army! (I feel so desperate, but I promise I'm not! XD)


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