Chapter 4

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I wanted to update again CUZ I CAN!!!


I swallowed nervously and peeked from behind the curtains. There were thousands, no, millions of people out there. All waiting for me. I saw Ty and Jason in the front row and was tempted to wave. I felt a hand on my back and turned. Eric was there, smiling. "You'll do great. I'm going to introduce you first." he said. Then he walked through the curtains and people cheered.

"Ladies and gentlemen! May I present, the Golden Kingdom's new prince!" Eric said. I took that as my cue and walked out, though I have no idea what 'golden' means.

I walked up to the microphone. Oh Notch{see what I did there?}... I'm not used to speaking in public. "Hello everyone!" I said, swallowing my fear. "My name is Sky! I'm honoured to be here today, and to be chosen as your new prince!" I said. People were already cheering. Wow, this was easier than I thought!

"I would like to thank a few people! First, I would like to thank my best friends, Ty and Jason. Thank you for always standing up for me!" I said. The crowd clapped for them and they bowed. "I would also like to thank King Eric! I definetly wouldn't be here without you!" I said. More cheers.

"Last of all, I would like to thank my parents. May they rest in peace." I finished. A few people in the crowd gasped.

"And I would like to announce my first law as prince." I said. I squeezed my eyes together. This is it... "All squids are banned from the kingdom. Any squid found in kingdom boundaries will be killed." I said. Some men in the front raised their eyebrows. "What a weird law! Is there something wrong with this kid?!" someone whispered. "I assure you, it's for the good of the kingdom!" I said.

I have to admit, it was a weird law. Unless you were me. I looked over to Eric for help. "All hail Prince Sky!" he said. "All hail Prince Sky!" the crowd repeated. I was relieved. No one was talking about that anymore.

I hope I'll never see a squid again.


{A/N} :D this chapter is much longer!

But if you guys read some of my other stories... you know what I do to happiness...

No deaths, I assure you!


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