Chapter 3

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Yay! I'm back! :3


Eric was sitting on his throne. "Hello. You and your friends will get a tour of the castle!" he said. "Sweet!" Ty exclaimed. We followed Eric through the halls and outside. "This is the garden." he said, gesturing to a gateway with bushes and flowers behind. "And this is the courtyard." he said, walking onto a huge grey square with basketball hoops, a tennis court, and a volleyball net.

We went back inside for the rest of the tour. "Let me show you your rooms." Eric said. We walked upstairs. Eric opened the door and showed me the inside. There was a bed, a TV, a table, a couch, and a beanbag chair! {Who doesn't love beanbag chairs?!}

Eric showed Ty's and Jason's rooms. They both were similar, except my room was butter (yes!), Ty's room was white, and Jason's room was blue.

I lay on my chair, exhausted from the day. We watched movies until it was late. Then I said goodnight to Ty and Jason and they went to their rooms. We all went to sleep. Tomorrow I was going to give my speech.

What could go wrong?


{A/N} Well, I think I left on a happy note. :3

Sorry for the super short chapter guys!


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