Chapter 1 (:

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Whisper's P.O.V

I slowly wandered around the unusually quiet forest, the pitch black night sky surrounding me, with the occasional star you could just make out peeking through the trees, shining bright and proud, just as it should.

"Where am I?" I asked myself, my voice coming out very weak, most likely from the lack of water i've had in the last while.

I shrugged, dismissing my previous question and sat down on the grass and daisy covered ground, with my legs out straight because I was wearing a flawless white dress that went down to about my knees.

I looked around and smiled at the scenery before me, appreciating its wonderful view. Even if I couldn't see it that well, from what I could see it was breathtaking.

My hands freely roamed around a few daisies, plucking them out of the earth, chaining them together making a daisy chain.

I picked a few more daisies and added them on to my chain.

When I was happy with my work I placed the daisies on top of my dark brown hair that went down just a bit before my belly button. My hair was in a fishtail braid sitting on my left shoulder.

Carefully, I stood up and brushed myself off. I look around and started walking making sure not to make a lot of loud noises, not wanting to attracted any unwanted attention.

All of a sudden my body comes to a complete stop, forcing me to stand in the middle of this creepy forest, at night may I add, all alone.

My body feels like its becoming heavier and heavier with each passing moment. Then my legs start walking themselves, me having no control to where they carry me to.

Panic starts to fill up my small body when I see that I'm headed to a lake that seems to have appeared out of no where.

'What am I doing?! Stop!' I say to myself in my head.

No such luck. It doesn't look like I'll be getting control back over myself for awhile.

I walked a little but farther until I came to a sudden stop, standing right in front of the lake. If I took even the smallest step, I would be soaked in freezing cold water from head to toe.

My piercing green eyes stared right into the lake, focusing on surface of the lakes moonlit water.

On the water top, I could just make out the dim reflection of a dark brown wolf, it's eyes, strangely the same colour as my own, staring back at me. I looked closer at it and another thing I noticed that was similar about the two of us is it had a small daisy chain laying on top of it's fur covered head.

I wanted to bolt out of here and be anywhere else but my body wouldn't allow it. My feet stayed glued to the ground I was standing upon.

I stayed there for a bit longer just staring at the oversized wolfs reflection. Then my eyes travelled off around it looking for my reflection but It couldn't be seen.

My hands automatically flew up to my face, feeling it to make sure I haven't disappeared. I somewhat relaxed when I felt it was there and looked back in the water.

This wolf couldn't possibly be me, could it? I mean I can feel my face and everything! -my human face.

But maybe it is. I mean we both have green eyes, dark brown hair/fur and a daisy chain laying on top of our heads

'Stop with this nonsense and get out of here!' I thought to myself and that's exactly what I was planning on doing.

I turned around to get away but before I could even take a step back, a pitch black creature jumped out in front of me growling dangerously and attacked me, I couldn't even register what was happening before everything turned black.


haha so new story.

sorry if its really bad.

aaand I know it's probably really weird but its suppose to be like that for now. c:

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