Chapter 2 :)

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I shot up in my bed instantly gasping for air. I looked around my surroundings and relaxed a bit when I saw that I was safe in my room.

I looked over to my bedside table where my alarm clock sat. The bright glowing red neon numbers caught my sight, my eyes read over them and it showed that the time was 5:52 in the morning.

Well, It's Tuesday morning and I won't be able to get back to sleep anytime soon after that nightmare so I better start getting ready for school.

At a painfully slow speed that probably resembled a tortoise, I took the covers off over my body and swung my legs over the bed.

I picked out an outfit that included black leggings and an oversized dark blue sweater and I walked into the bathroom for a quick shower.

After I was finished with washing my hair with strawberry scented shampoo, I hoped out and looked at my clock once again. It was now 6:12 am.

Since I still had a good amount of time to get ready I took my time with getting dressed and applying my makeup.

My hair I didn't really care about so I let it stay in its natural form; neat, soft curls.

I looked in my full length mirror and notice something didn't look right.

I looked a little bit harder and then I realized what was wrong. I walked over to my dresser and picked up my amethyst pendant necklace that had once belonged to my mother.

My mother had given me this necklace right before she had past away. It meant a lot to me.

My mother was the best person you'd ever meet, well before she started drinking and all the drugs I mean.

Shaking my head a little, I snapped out of my daydream. I walked downstairs to be greeted with a note on the tabletop.

'On a business trip. Be back in 1-3 weeks


You see, Bill was my uncle. He had no choice but to take me in after my parents death, me being 16 and all.

He was the only family I had left. He never really seemed to care much about me, though.

'Great' I thought bitterly, sighing to myself. 'Just what I need'

I glanced at the big clock on the wall. It's 7:36 am. I better start heading to school if I don't want to be late.

I grabbed a fairly big, shiny red apple off of the counter and made my way outside, heading for my empty driveway. I'm not old enough to drive by myself yet so I have to walk everywhere, not that I mind. I prefer to walk than driving any day.

Sighing, I began my 30 minute long journey to this wonderful place that I like to call school.

Note the sarcasm.


Haha yup. the first chapter was only just a dreeeeaaaamm. *breaks out into song*

sorry I had to hehe

Aaaanyway, sorry for the lack of chapters and all. I'll try to get better at that! Also, sorry that this chapter's pretty short. i'll try to make them longer, and update faster (:

*cough* *cough* probably not really gonna happen. *cough* *cough*

Whhaaaat, who said that?!?!!? Pssh

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