Chapter 4 :)

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I slammed the front door behind me and walked down my driveway.

Every night I go for a walk in the forest. Some people say it's stupid because of all the wild animals and pedophiles. Sure they could bite your face off or kidnap you or whatever but I don't really care. Nothing bad has ever really happened here. Plus it's sort of a habit of mine.

I slipped my light grey and white toque on my head and shoved my headphones in my ears as I entered the dark quiet forest.

Turning on my iPod, I started to search for a song. My eyes danced around the light up screen and instantly decided on 'Shouldn't Come Back' by Demi Lovato.

"Maybe you shouldn't come back." I sung quietly to myself, along with the music.

"Maybe you shouldn't come back, to me." I continued on.

After the song ended I took the headphones out of my ears and just enjoyed the sound of good old nature. Well, it was around 9 pm so all you really heard was a nearby river and some crickets. At least I think that they're crickets.

I finally found where I was looking for after a 20 minute walk deep in the forest. It was a beautiful meadow with wild flowers-like daisies- growing every where. It was truly the most beautiful thing I've ever seen I'm my life.

I have millions of pictures of this place. Well, maybe millions is a but over dramatic but you get what I mean. I have loads.

I'm pretty sure I'm the only one who knows about if (not including the animals) because I've never seen any other person here. I'm pretty surprised, actually; but really thankful to have my own place to go where no one else knows about.

I sat down in the meadow and just forgot about bad thoughts instantly. Suddenly I felt really tired and let myself drift off to dreamland.

This place felt like home; my home.


I woke up from my slumber freezing cold.

Slowly but surely I looked around my settings and freaked out.

'I slept out in the meadow?!'

'I'm so stupid' I thought to myself.

I rapidly got up from were I was laying down and snatched my iPod from my coat pocket and checked the time.

3:07 am.

My eyes bulged out of their sockets and I shoved my phone back in my pocket.

I scurried out of the meadow as fast as I could and back in the forest.

I slightly slowed down my pace when I arrived in the forest mostly because I was out of breath.

Out of nowhere a heard a light snap. My body instantly tensed and I quickly spun around to the direction where it came from. Nothing. I continued walking, but slightly faster this time.

After about 2 minutes I heard that light snap again.

When I saw nothing for the second time, I slowly backed up and bolted for home. Somewhere along the way I tripped on a giant tree root and that's when I saw it. A midnight- or 2:15 in the morning- black wolf crawled out from behind the bushes.

At this point I had so much adrenaline pumping through my body and just got up as fast as I could and ran like lightening, not looking back.

I got home in about 13 minute tops safely. As soon as I sped through the door I locked all of the locks in the house. A little paranoid I know but that was freaky. You can't blame me.

I ran up to my bedroom, turned my tv on something nice and happy, and snuggled under my beds blankets thinking happy thoughts.

I let out a big sigh of relief. I'm safe. For now at least.


Hey guys! so first of all, Merry Christmas! I hope you all had a fabulous day and whatnot :-)

I just thought that I should

update because why not haha

Anyways I hope you somewhat liked this chapter. I kinda rushed it so sorry about that (:

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