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Chloe marched over to Marinette and Adrien the moment the bell rang to signal the start of the lesson. She placed a poster, several flyers and two tickets on the desk. "What do you think?"
Marinette cast a critical eye over them. The poster was a deep ombré purple dress shape with white wording. The flyers were small, minimalistic, monochrome sheets of paper with all the necessary detail on. Each ticket was half a heart, clearly designed with partners in mind.
"I love them." Adrien said.
"What if people don't have a partner?" Marinette asked.
"Then we set them up, of course!" Chloe laughed. Her face sobered quickly. "Now tell me, why were you two walking to school together?"
"Now tell me, why is that any of your business?" Alya snapped, interrupting the conversation, then stalked off.
Marinette smiled gratefully and Chloe's face contorted and paled to almost white before blood rushed to her cheeks. She turned on her heel and stormed off, perfume scenting the air in her wake.
"Is everything okay over here?" Their teacher asked, her voice taking on a stern tone.
"We're fine, miss. Do you like my designs?"
She glanced quickly at hem and nodded approvingly. "What materials are you using?"
"Well, Nino is still looking around. I told him to get an old black dress from a charity shop and just whatever else he thought was cute. I can reuse a lot of material and it saves time as I won't have to use a pattern."
The professor nodded. "Good idea. I'll let you get back to designing some more. If you need to use a manikin, there's one in textiles."
"Thanks, miss."
Marinette rubbed her eyes, fatigue almost overwhelming her and sighed. She just had to make it through the day and it would be the weekend. And a whole day working with her friends to make dresses? It was her dream, but she felt so uninspired. She didn't want to keep working on the same ideas, she wanted something new.
Suddenly, the door swung open and Nino rushed in, quickly followed by Alya. He was holding a few dresses and Alya was carrying a manikin. Adrien nudged Marinette, who looked up and grinned, inspiration returning. She alerted the manikin to fit her size, knowing it would make it easier to transfer her work to her manikin at home. Laying out the dresses, she quickly glanced at the cuts, felt the materials and sketched a few designs. Nino had found her several dresses. The first was a black, floor length gown with a straight neckline. The second was also black, with a knee length skirt and a polka-dot layer of gauze on top of the skirt. The bodice was long sleeved and a dark purple. It was a truly hideous dress, but Nino had chosen well, as the material was beautiful and each component could be used. Another two were both cream, one decorated with silk flowers and the other with layers of chiffon. Some more were just plain but floor length and provided plenty of material.
"These are great, Nino." Marinette smiled and began to get to work. She started with a dress for her. She wanted a simple black dress so grabbed the floor length black gown first. She seam ripped each layer apart and took the bodice. Fitting it around the manikin, she pinned where it needed taking in and altered the shape with a pen. Then she lay it on the desk and cut off unnecessary pieces, ensuring she left seam allowance. She did the same with the lining then sewed the two bodices together. Next, she took the short, long sleeved dress and seam ripped it apart. Using the polka-dotted layer, she cut a short sleeved shirt design and pinned it over the bodice. She quickly sewed this together as well and pinned it to the bodice, before sewing the two layers together. Next, she began work on the skirt, cutting it into a slightly different shape. Soon, she had an A-line mini skirt and a petticoat to fit underneath. Pinning it to the bodice, she slipped into to toilets and tried it on, carefully avoiding the pins. She returned to the classroom and asked what they thought. Needless to say, the majority of her classmates were very impressed.
After changing back, she sewed the bodice, skirt and petticoats together, helped sleeves, neck and skirt and embroidered a few glistening gemstones on.
"Marinette, this is amazing!" Alya exclaimed. "Can you make your next one for me?"
"Mais bien sûr!" Marinette laughed, folding the dresses and placing them into a large bag to carry home and continue working on them. "What do you want?"
"Purple, strapless, three-quarter length skirt." She replied promptly.
"I'll start when I get home. I have your measurements already." Marinette smiled and the girls left the campus together.
"You wanna come round mine again?"
"Eh, sure. We haven't got homework. I can chat with Stella?"
"I'm sure she'd love that." Marinette stated innocently.
Alya eyed her innocent smile. "What are you thinking?"
"Nothing!" She protested. "What am I thinking?"
Alya growled and pursed her lips. "Girl, you've got something up your sleeve and I plan to find out what it is."

Okay, so maybe this is a bit of a filler chapter? But the next chapter is definitely a filler chapter and it's my favourite. We get to find out Stella's backstory and she and Alya just chat for nearly a thousand words. What more could you want! (Other than marichat, he reason you're reading this story, oops.)
Anyways, goodnight x}

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