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The next morning, Marinette woke up next to Chat Noir again. When he sensed her stirring, he rolled over and wrapped his arms tightly around her slender form.
She yawned, then sat bolt upright as she glanced at the clock. 08:09. Wonderful, she was late again.
"Chat!" She hissed. "I have to get up!"
"It's ten past eight! I'm supposed to be at school twenty-five minutes ago!"
"Wait- what? Oh shoot, I- I have to go!" He jumped up and gently kissed her forehead. "Have a great day!"
He leapt out of her window and she sighed. Quickly, she changed into her outfit for school and applied her makeup before checking her mobile.
She had a text from Alya.
Mari, please bring the dresses when you get to school, and hurry up! xoxo
It was sent over fifteen minutes ago. She gently pulled the dresses off the manikins and placed them into dress bags, before grabbing her bag, swinging it over one shoulder and lifting the dresses over her arm. She bolted from her home, locking the door as she yelled a goodbye to Stella.

Soon enough, she reached her school and hurried through the deserted corridors. Over an hour late, she pushed the door open quietly and attempted to sneak in unnoticed. Her plan failed, to some extent. Nino burst out laughing as she shushed him. Adrien glanced over, smirked and winked at her. Alya rolled her eyes at the boys and beckoned her over desperately.
"Girl, where've you been! I've been bullied like crazy by these idiots!" She laughed.
Mari smiled softly. "I'm sorry, I overslept."
"To say the least! But honestly, if you slept in that much, you needed it. And look at you- you're worn to the ground, you look exhausted!"
"Thanks." She yawned.
"Hey, Mari," Adrien turned to face her. "How's Stella?"
"In a relationship." Alya cut in.
Mari squealed, finally alerting their teacher's attention to them.
"Marinette, you're late." She sighed. "Have you got your resources?"
"They're finished. I have three dresses."
"Who for?"
"Me, Alya and Chloe."
"Can the three of you try them on?"
Chloe leapt up. "Of course, miss." She simpered obsequiously.
Alya rose to her feet, but Marinette remained seated, offering her hand to Alya, who pulled her to her feet. She grabbed the garment bags and the three girls left the classroom. She handed the dresses around quickly and they stepped into separate changing cubicles in the nearby drama department. Soon, they were all ready, looking stunning in their beautifully form fitting gowns.
Chloe glanced admiringly down at hers. "It's not what I asked for in the slightest. But I adore this! I can see why miss gave your group the dress design task." She laughed kindly.
The three ventured back into their classroom, where every jaw dropped. Rose slapped Juleka's cheek in an attempt to get her girlfriend to stop staring. Their teacher surveyed the gowns approvingly. "You have a real talent, Marinette. I think I will excuse your lateness!" She laughed.
"Thank you, miss."
"Now, get changed back." She ordered. The girls complied and were soon seated once more in their groups.
"So, what was that about Stella in a relationship?" Adrien interrogated Alya.
"She is in a relationship. What more is there?"
"Who's the lucky guy?"
Marinette laughed.
"Not... Stella- basically stalya is canon." Marinette said, struggling to express herself.
"Excuse me? Parlez français, sil-vous-plaît." Adrien rolled his eyes.
Alya translated. "Stella isn't going out with a guy. She's going out with me."
Adrien's jaw dropped once more. Nino spat out the mouthful of water he had just drunk, all over Alya.
"Just a tip: that will not help you get a girlfriend. Ever." Alya informed them kindly, before rising gracefully to her feet and sashaying out of the room. Marinette noticed Nino staring at her butt and slapped him.
"Have some respect." She hissed and he dutifully looked away.
"So Marinette, what about you?" Nino asked.
"I don't know." She hesitated. "It's quite a... complicated relationship." She said simply.
"Please don't tell me you're a lesbian too? Are all the hot girls taken or gay?"
"No, he is male. And yeah, probably. Or at least, that's what they'd say to a boorish idiot like you." She laughed.
Out of the corner of her eye, she noticed Adrien staring across the classroom. She followed his gaze and noticed Juleka and Rose laughing and flirting together. She giggled.
"Taken or gay or both." He sighed. "Sounds about right."

So I made an edit of our three main girlies

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So I made an edit of our three main girlies. If you want to make one, please feel free! I'd love to see them, just tag me on my Instagram, @actualdisneyprixcess . Also, don't forget to enter my 100 followers contest! I only have two one shot entries and no edit entries😓if I don't get more by 200 followers, I guess I'll just cancel, which would be a shame.
Anyway, thanks again for reading, commenting and voting. Ilyasm xx

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