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"Welcome to the Bourjois Hotel and Spa, how can I help you?" The receptionist droned, barely looking up to greet the visitors.
"Uh, I would like to take my friend here to be spa?" Chat Noir said, with perhaps a hint of annoyance.
"Okay. Names, genders, ages?"
"Marinette Dupain-Cheng, female, twenty years old." Marinette said.
"Uh," Chat Noir swallowed nervously. "Chat Noir, male, twenty one."
"Chat Noir?" The receptionist sniffed. "How do you spell that?"
Marinette had to stifle a snort and Chat rolled his eyes before spelling it out.
The receptionist looked up after typing it in. "Oh my gosh! You're THE CHAT NOIR??" She exclaimed, eyes widening. "Miss Bourjois wants to talk to you." She simpered. "Miss Chloe?"
Marinette swore under her breath. "Why did you take me here?"
"I didn't remember." Chat apologised sincerely before Chloe rushed out and grabbed his arm, pushing Marinette out of the way.
"Chat, darling, it's been so long!" She whined. "Where have you been?"
Marinette rolled her eyes and pushed Chloe away.
"With me."
Chloe turned. "Oh my gosh- Marinette? What are you doing here?"
"She's on a date with me." Chat lied, winking at Marinette. Chloe's possessive grip on his arm loosened and she took a step back, tears filling her eyes.
Marinette bit her lip in sympathy. Annoying as Chloe really was, that wasn't nice. "Chloe, I'm going to work on your dress when I get home. What colour do you want it?" She said kindly, attempting to change the subject.
It worked. Chloe spun around, eyes bright and tears forgotten as she fell into her favourite topic. Leading the way into the spa, Chloe began describing in incredible detail what she wanted- although it wasn't entirely lovely.
"I- I'll see what I can do." Marinette lied. She would incorporate most of it. Just not the long sleeves and a short skirt with a sheer train falling from the shoulders. And the sparkles and... well, basically everything. Chloe may make it into modelling, but she would never be a good designer.
Soon enough, Mari was reclining next to Chat, both with face masks and cucumber slices over their eyes as they received hand and food massages.
"So, Chat, why did you take me here?" She asks, gently making conversation.
"I- I wanted to treat you, princess. You deserve a break, especially with how hard you work."
She laughed. "Believe me, I could work a lot harder."
"I'm sure you could, but I do worry about you, dear. I don't want you to burn out or just collapse from fatigue."
"I won't." She said softly, and would have smiled at him, but the face masks kind of prevented that.
"I'll be there to stop it." He promised.
She sighed. "You don't need to protect me, Chat. I'm not a child anymore."
"I know that, Mari." He said, his heart clenching with pain. "But I can't stand to see you get hurt. Je t'aime, ma cherie."
"Chat, I-"
"Marinette." He said firmly, sitting up and staring in her eyes. "I do not give my heart away easily. Other than Ladybug, I have never loved another girl. But I say this with complete honesty and sincerity. I love you. I love you more than the stars and the heavens. This love I feel is greater than even I can comprehend. It is all consuming, all engrossing, all about you. I love you and I have loved you and I will love you forever more. But I want to show you this love, I want to keep you safe." He spoke the words softly, gently, but each syllable brought tears to her eyes.
"But Chat, I can't! I - you can't love me. I don't want to know if you would sell your soul for me, I don't want to know that the stars reflect my eyes, I don't want to know that you love me more than the heavens above! Because I know how it feels to have unrequited love,and I can't force that on anyone!" Ignoring her face mask and bathrobe, she bolted from the room, into the spa toilets. Scrubbing off her face mask with her hands ruined her skin, causing it to appear red and blotchy almost as if she had had a minor allergic reaction. She strode into the reception and requested her clothes in a calm voice, before quickly changing and leaving a shell shocked Chat to gaze after her, heartbroken and empty.
She strode quickly from the spa, casually refusing to look back at the superhero, but once she was out of sight, she began to run, hurrying back to her home as quickly as possible, paying no heed to others or the tears about to spill from her eyes. She let herself in and ran up to her bedroom before throwing herself onto her bed and allowing herself to cry.

{I'm sorry. This is sad. It made me sad to write as well.
I went away on my geography field trip this weekend, and came back to loads of lovely comments, including a couple of "please updates", so we're you go😉.
I haven't started writing the next chapter yet, so please don't rush me! I'm not quite sure where I'm going, but I'll try and update within a week.
I may start a fanfiction, possibly somewhat like the books by kmbell92 if you like that idea? By that, I mean an OC inserted to the original stories. I love her books, and would never compare to the raw majesty of her writings, but it would be fun!
If you want me to do that, comment any ideas (eg who to ship the OC with, a particular time in the series, characters they could be friends with?}

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