Chapter 14

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It's almost incomprehensible how much has changed. I live with my best friend, I have a job, and I don't go home everyday scared of what my boyfriend is going to do to me.

Actually, I think it's safe to call Vic my friend at this point. The kiss didn't make anything awkward between us thankfully. I see him at work everyday and we get along perfectly fine.

The day is easily bearable. Most of it is spent chatting away about stupid stories. Vic and I just do normal friend things. He hasn't mentioned the date he asked me to go on with him yet. It's only been a week since then, but I'm starting to worry he doesn't even want to go on it anymore.

I decided to put our entire past behind me. If Vic doesn't remember anything that happened, then why should I? I want to start over too. So far, it's been easier than I thought it would be.

I know I haven't completely forgotten what's happened, I never will. I've simply just ignored it and not let it impact Vic and I's new relationship.

Life is actually getting so much better and I'm ecstatic, but at the same time terrified. It's all so new to me. I've just been letting things unfold as they want. Which is dangerous, but it's been going well so far.

Jaime is going out with that chick with the fine ass. I still have yet to meet her though. Jaime is supportive of my decisions on starting over. He agrees that I should just see how it all pans out.

I've thought about how this has all changed my life. I dropped out of school once I was put in the hospital. At the time, I had no intention of going back to college so I never did.

My status with my parents never changed. Once I moved out they made it clear I was never to be moving back in. I left to be with Vic after we had been dating for awhile. They didn't approve of my sexuality and of my choices so they basically kicked me out of their life. My dad was unforgiving, but my mom still shows up whenever something bad happens.

I've spent most of my life living in the past and it was pretty odd to start thinking in the present.

Speaking of the present.

I was stacking cds, a common job as a music store employee. Vic still hadn't showed up yet, but it wasn't that surprising seeing as though my shift started about 10 minutes ago. Once Vic did walk in, the bell on the door made me jump and drop the stack if cds I was carrying.

Vic busted into as fit of laughter while I playfully glared at him. He continued laughing while I picked the cases up.

"Stop laughing! Some of the cases are cracked," I pouted as I turned over the broken acdc case in my hand. Vic walked over to me out of breath and helped me with the rest of the cds.

We separated the broken ones in silence until he let out another giggle, probably vividly remembering how I had jumped and squealed when he walked in.

I just punched his arm and ditched him behind the counter. "Jaime is going to come bring us lunch this afternoon," I told Vic, hoping to start up conversation.

He just nodded. He knew who Jaime was at this point. I talked about him him a lot and Vic had sorta met him already because of that one time when Jaime almost killed him.

"Speaking of lunch, we still have a date to go on," he winked at me. I raised my eyebrows at his stupid wink and laughed. "I mean if you're still up for it?"

I bit my lip, pretending to be hesitant about it. "I don't know, the thought of staying at home and reading vogue magazine sounds reeeaalllyy appealing." I gushed.

Vic fake gasped and looked offended. "I look way better than magazine people, don't even," Vic rolled his eyes.

I giggled but agreed. We made plans for tomorrow. He told me we could go to his house after work so it was all settled.

We kept talking and working all day. Not much happened out of the ordinary until three men walked in. They looked familiar, but I wasn't sure. They probably just came in before and I didn't remember.

They were laughing with each other until one of them looked at us and smiled in the most unfriendly way.

"Hey Vic!" The one shouted. He had dark hair and a built face. I looked at Vic and he seemed really confused. He obviously didn't remember who these people were.

"Um- hi?" He paused, trying to recognize these people. "Do I know you?"

The three men looked at each other until another one spoke up. This one was short, but muscular. "We heard about your memory loss. That sucks man."

Vic nodded slowly. Fear started to bubble inside me. If Vic never re met these people after his accident it was because he wasn't suppose to. These guys were Vic's old friends. The bad ones.

"Okay, well I'm Oli, this is Justin and Caleb" they introduced themselves. "We were old friends of yours. I see you still have your boy toy around." The taller one, Oli, pointed to me.

My face reddened and I looked down, going into submissive mode where I let people walk over me.

"Hey, don't call him that." My eyes widened and I looked at Vic. He looked at me sincerely and then went back to glaring at the three.

Oli laughed. "You're defending him? You really did lose all that memory." He paused and looked at me. "Well if you're not practicing old habits anymore, maybe we could fill in. I would love another go at little kellin again."

Again? What did that mean, I had no idea who these people were. Oli started walking towards me slowly while the two others behind him laughed.

Suddenly I remembered who they were. These were the guys I met on the street after Kellin got out of the rehab center. They were the ones who put me in the hospital. My eyes widened further in fear and I started to back away until I was against the wall.

Vic must have caught on to their intentions because he quickly stepped in front of me and pushed Oli back. Oli just laughed.

"Whatever Vic, we won't push it. You've gone soft, meaning we don't really have much interest in you anymore," Justin, the shorter one, shrugged. After looking us over once more, the three left the store.

I sighed in relief and relaxed against the wall, closing my eyes.

"What the fuck just happened?" Vic looked at me knowing I knew something. I gulped. I didn't want to tell him. We were moving on and now his past was coming back up, ruining everything.

"Let's just say you didn't hang out with the best people.." I frowned trying to explain truthfully while not revealing too much.

It was getting hard to forget about my past when all Vic wanted was to remember it.

"What did they mean by 'practicing old habits'?" Vic narrowed his eyes at me. I knew they were talking about how he use to hit me, but how was I suppose to explain that to him.

"I have no idea what they were talking about.." I lied, but I hid it well.

He rubbed his face in frustration. "Is this what you were talking about when you said I got angry easily?"

I just stared at him because I didn't know how to answer him. "I-I don't -"

I jumped when the door opened again, but this time it was just Jaime with our lunch.

"Hey kells, I gotcha foods," Jaime spoke giddily. He smiled at Vic and dropped the food on the counter.

Vic looked at me again. I looked at him, silently pleading for him to just drop it. He sighed and went over to the counter and pulling up a chair.

Vic and Jaime instantly went into and conversation about something I wasn't interested in. I pulled up a chair and joined them. Crisis averted. For now.


Two updates in one day??? What is this??? This, my friend, is called kindness (aka I felt bad for not ever updating)

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