Chapter 17

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Kellin pov

The next week droned on. Not necessarily terrible, but maybe a little awkward. Vic was treating me differently. Ever since I told him about our past, he's been so cautious around me. Like I might break. I don't want to be seen as fragile. After the first two days back, Vic just stopped showing up to work. I asked Tony but he just said he was sick.

This is exactly why I didn't want Vic to know. I knew he would act weird. And now I'm pretty sure he's avoiding me. Vic seemed to be the only thing I thought about anymore. I even talked to Jaime about everything but he's been too distracted with Jessica to form legitimate advice. Why is everything going to shit again. I was on a roll dámmit.

Works sucks I know. I've been stuck with Tony since Vic neglects to show up. It's been awhile and I was starting to get worried. So, being the friend or whatever I am to Vic, I went to check up on him. I felt as if I was disturbing the quiet atmosphere of the place as I stepped up the stairs leading to Vic's apartment. None the less, I knocked on the door and stood awkwardly until it opened.

I didn't think anything was actually wrong with Vic. I thought he was skipping work to avoid me and I was coming here to tell him to stop being so childish, but once I saw Vic, it was obvious something was really wrong. His face was puffy, yet pale. His eyes were being dragged down by dark circles and he wore only sweatpants that hung low off his hips.

"Vic," I breathed in worry. I examined his face again. "What's wrong?" I took a step forward but he took one back. When he didn't answer, I stepped all the way into his apartment and stood against him so I could cup his face in my hands. He looked at me as if he was in pain and on the brink of breaking down. I stared back, except my look was more of a pleading one. I wanted answers.

Vic opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something, but stopped and choked. His eyes began to flood with tears and I instantly wrapped my arms around his neck and brought him impossibly close to me. Without breaking the hug, I kicked the door closed behind me and held Vic tighter.

He started sobbing into my neck and I just let him. My eyes began to shed tears as well. Seeing Vic fall apart in my arms broke my heart. I've never seen Vic so vulnerable. I've never seen him cry. And I never wanted to again.

I pulled back after a long while and looked over Vic once more before pulling him to the couch. We sat and I just looked at him. His gaze avoided mine and stayed on the floor. His soft hiccups were the only sounds.

"You don't have to tell me," I began softly, in attempt to not get him more worked up. "But I wish you would."

Vic set his elbows on his knees and began to rub his face in his hands.

"My mom told me everything." He sounded defeated while my eyes went wide. I didn't speak though. "She told me everything I did before I lost my memory."

Now it was my turn to look down in shame. He knows everything. He must hate me all over again. I knew it would happen, but I didn't think it would happen this fast. He's probably rerealized why he hates me.

"So that's it then," I whispered. I felt all my hope for happiness begin to fade. Vic was so different and he made me so happy and I think I love him? But now he's as good as gone. I lost him. "I understand if you don't want to talk anymore. And I can talk to Tony about getting my shifts changed. I'm so sorry, I won't bother you anymore," I spoke quickly and stood up.

Vic looked at me horrified as I sped to the door. Tears started falling once I reached for the knob but my other hand was pulled back and I was forced to spin around. I squeezed my eyes shut and waited for Vic to start yelling.

"Kellin, I don't want you to leave. You can't leave. What are you talking about?" Vic spoke incredulously. My eyes opened and I was a blubbering mess.

"No, you know everything. You hate me again," I choked through sobs. Vic brought me to his chest and clutched onto me tightly. It's the exact opposite of how we started.

"No, kells, I could never hate you! I hate myself! I did all those terrible things to you and I'm completely disgusted in myself for it," he rushed. He pulled me back and sank to my level. He looked me straight in the eyes. "I could never hate you."

So I kissed him obviously. The kiss was hard and beautiful. My lips started working against his fluently while he pushed me against the door I had just tried to escape out of.

He pushed my wrists to either side of my head against the door and intertwined our fingers. I opened my mouth to let his tongue explore. He let go of my hands and trailed his down my chest to rest on my waist. Mine rested on his shoulders and behind his neck.

My tears had stopped by now and I pulled away to look straight into Vic's eyes. "I-I think I love you," I said in awe. We never broke eye contact until he pulled me in for another kiss. This one was softer and sweeter. I felt like I couldn't breathe, but in a good way this time.

"I think I love you too," Vic nodded. I don't think I've ever smiled harder.

He said it back this time.


I updated?? This are so short wtf. ;-;

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