Chapter 33

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*Elsas POV*

I'm three months pregnant, but I haven't been out of the castle in two months. My stomach is the size of a small volleyball. Anna has tried to get me to go outside, but I'm too afraid of some press taking pictures of me.

There have been some talk shows asking people if they have any idea why I haven't been out. Thankfully they haven't talked to Jack.

Today he's bringing in Mavis Drac and her husband Johnny around eight. They have a son who is five years old. He said that Mavis has always been a good friend of his and can help me prepare for the baby.

I go inside a small ballroom. This is where mom and dad had taught us how to dance. There's a large piano inside. I sit down on the bench and think about what to play. My fingers hover over the keys. Then I remember the song mom taught me. It was written by my many greats grandmother.

She had ice powers too and wrote this song after she had finally controlled them. I remember the notes by heart. "This is for you my son." The doctor said that I won't know till the fourth month, but I have a strong feeling that it's a boy.

I start playing, it feels good to play again. "The snow glows on the mount tonight. Not a footprint to be seen. A kingdom of isolation and it looks like I'm the queen.

The wind is howling like this swirling storm inside. Couldn't keep it in, heaven knows I've tried.

Don't let them in don't let them in don't let them see, be the good girl you always have to be. Conceal don't feel, don't let them know....

Well now they know!
Let it go. Let it go, can't hold it back anymore. Let it go, let it go. Turn away and slam the door! I don't care! What they're, going to say!

Let the storm rage on..the cold never bothered me anyway." I stop there, my fingers slide off the keys. I can't believe I let my fear of a stupid scandal keep me inside this castle.

I should be outside, going places. The baby needs it anyway. I get up from the piano and head outside. It's crazy to think that someday I'm going to teach my son to dance in that room.

Or daughter. I smile as I think about the possibility of a daughter. Jack would love to have a girl. I imagine him stumbling over her feet instead of her tripping.

I picture Jack grinning as he dances with her. Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to have a daughter first instead of a son. I open the door to the gardens.

It's a clear day outside. Birds are chripping and everything. Just like a princess movie. I rub my hand on my stomach as my other hand picks a blue flower. "Can you at least tell me if you're a boy or girl?" I stay still. Gently running my hand in circles.

"You know," a voice starts, I turn around. "if she doesn't want you know yet. Then you won't know."

Jack comes over and takes me in his arms. I have to lean forward because of my swollen stomach. Jack squats down and kisses it. "What makes you think that the baby will be a girl?" I ask.

Jack stands back up, keeping a hand on my belly. "A gut feeling." He smirks and kisses my stomach again. "You know, I'm, the one carrying our child. Shouldn't you trust my gut feeling?"

"Well what do you think the baby is?" He asks. I smile and look down at our hands both resting on my stomach. "A boy."

Suddenly there's a bright flash. I squint my eyes and try to see. The person who took the picture starts to laugh. I freeze with shock. His laugh sounds"Like Pitch."

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