Chapter 6:

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*Harrys Prov*

I was honestly beyond pissed."JENNA I SAID NO FUNNY BUSINESS!" I yelled. I stormed over to her. My face was probley bright red, not in blushing, but in pure anger. She looked like she wanted to cry. I was inches away from her, ready to yell at her when Becca came in. "WHAT THE HELL HARRY!" She yelled. She ran over and hugged Jenna and she cried on her shoulder. "Harry Niall told me everything! You need to calm down.They just kissed! It's no big deal. I know Jennas had a rough life with dating but Niall loves her alot! He would die for her! You are overprotective Harry. You are scaring Jenna and Niall." I stared at her. "SHE IS MY SISTER AND IM THE BOSS OF HER! I POPPED OUT OF MY MOM BEFORE HER! IF I SAY SHE CAN'T DATE THEN SHE CAN'T DATE!" I turn around and slam the door behind me running into my room. I slammed my door and walked over to my wall. I was so mad. I almost punched it until I heard a knock. "WHAT DO YOU WANT" I turned to see trembling Jenna in the door frame. She had changed into long plaid pj bottoms and a plain v neck. She did that when she was sad and tried. "H-Harry" she said staring at me. Her crystal blue eyes weren't so blue anymore. They were a dark blue, signaling she was sad. She sat in the door way unsure what to do. "Is any one else home" I sighed. "No they all left" she kept her head down looking at the ground. I say down on my bed. "Jenna come here" she slowly got up and sat next to me. I wrapped my arms around her. Suddenly she began to cry into my arms "shhhh Jenna it's ok" I held her tight. It broke my heart to see her cry. "Harry I didn't mean to I'm sorry" she cried into my shirt. I rubbed her back just thinking, should I let her date? Of course not she could get hurt! But then again I date.. Why is it fair for me to date and Jenna not to? "Jenna look at me" I looked down at her and stared into her eyes "I don't want you seeing him. I want your heart to stay the way it is" tracing a perfect heart where her heart is. "Is that understood?" I say looking into her eyes.


Sorry it's so short ahhhh I'm a bad person!

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