Doctor Talk

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how do you feel today


crazy people feel sane you know

i defy sociopath standards

do you really classify your self as a sociopath

what does being a sociopath include doctor

  a person with a personality disorder manifesting itself in extreme antisocial attitudes and behavior and a lack of conscience 

slitting someones throat from behind uses no conscience

you are not a murderer


what gives you the impression that you killed someone

the dead look in their eyes

who's eyes Junior

My mothers my fathers my lovers

What happened

I lied 

to who

to god to my self to the people close to me

When did you lie

Many many times

Do you try to stop



Because I'm a sociopath I like the dead look in peoples eyes

do you regret your lies

never in time to stop the lies dripping from my mouth never in enough time to deflect my loves pain

You fell remorse

Every day

Your not a sociopath

I'm still crazy doctor

We will talk about this next session


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