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^dr diane guererro

"Sorry about the mess," Diane said, ushering the girls inside. "I was working on experiments before you got here, they didn't turn out that well,"

"It's okay," Dinah smiled politely. "You're a doctor, you say?"

"I have a PhD in astrophysics, and I'm working on getting one in chemistry," the girl said, wringing the water out of her damp hair.

"But you look so young,"

"I'll actually be thirty in July,"

"What the fuck," Dinah furrowed her eyebrows.

"Cheech, I've been telling you this for years, Latinas don't age," Camila smirked.

The door to the apartment opened, and in walked in another woman, this one much taller than Diane.

"Hey, Naya. Make anyone cry today?" Diane smirked, crossing her arms.

"No but it's only 4:30," the woman responded right away, putting her bags on the ground

"Oh, hey, mutants are here," the woman smiled. Dinah and Camila flinched at her words.

"Naya, I told you, mutants are an offensive term," Diane chastised. "Girls, this is my roommate, Naya Rivera. Excuse her bluntness,"

"It's okay," Dinah shrugged. "Used to it. Been called a mutant for as long as I can remember,"

Diane pursed her lips. "Um, right,"

"Did you try cooking again?" Naya asked. "What's burning?"

"My experiment,"


"Are you part of S.H.I.E.L.D. too?" Camila blurted out.

"Oh, god, no," Naya chuckled. "I'm a waitress at the restaurant below us. Which reminds me," She pointed to the bags on the floor. "I brought dinner,"

"Food," Dinah breathed, about to run over. Camila grabbed her arm to restrain her. They hadn't eaten since they left the Avenger complex, and airplane food was nasty.

"No, please, eat," Diane insisted. "It's getting late, and tomorrow we have to enroll you guys in school,"

"School?" Dinah asked. Worry crossed her features. "That awful place that was in Pretty Little Liars?"

"Yeah, whenever the girls went there, bad things happened," Camila added.

"Bad things happen everywhere those girls go. Besides, this school is perfectly fine. It's our alma mater. Diane and I met there," Naya said, popping a French fry into her mouth.

"Have you guys ever been to school?" Diane asked.

"Close," Camila shrugged.

"We went to school before we went to HYDRA. After that they used to have people come and tutor us. SHIELD did something similar," Dinah said.

"Okay. How old are you guys? Eighteen? Seventeen?" Diane asked.

"Eighteen. Both of us are,"

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